MathSAT 5

An SMT Solver for Formal Verification & More

MathSAT API Reference

API for the MathSAT SMT solver. More...

Data Structures

struct  msat_config
 MathSAT configuration.
struct  msat_env
 MathSAT environment.
struct  msat_term
 MathSAT term.
struct  msat_decl
 MathSAT declaration.
struct  msat_type
 MathSAT types.
struct  msat_model
 MathSAT model.
struct  msat_model_iterator
 MathSAT model iterator.
struct  msat_proof_manager
 Manager for proofs generated by MathSAT.
struct  msat_proof
 Proof objects created by MathSAT.
struct  msat_dpll_callback
 Callback object for using an external SAT solver as DPLL engine in MathSAT.
struct  msat_ext_dpll_interface
 Interface that external SAT solvers must implement.


Environment creation
msat_config msat_create_config (void)
 Creates a new MathSAT configuration. More...
msat_config msat_create_default_config (const char *logic)
 Creates a new MathSAT configuration with the default settings for the given logic. More...
msat_config msat_parse_config (const char *data)
 Creates a new MathSAT configuration by parsing the given data. More...
msat_config msat_parse_config_file (FILE *f)
 Creates a new MathSAT configuration by parsing the given file. More...
void msat_destroy_config (msat_config cfg)
 Destroys a configuration. More...
msat_env msat_create_env (msat_config cfg)
 Creates a new MathSAT environment from the given configuration. More...
msat_env msat_create_shared_env (msat_config cfg, msat_env sibling)
 Creates an environment that can share terms with its sibling. More...
void msat_destroy_env (msat_env e)
 Destroys an environment. More...
int msat_gc_env (msat_env env, msat_term *tokeep, size_t num_tokeep)
 Performs garbage collection on the given environment. More...
int msat_set_option (msat_config cfg, const char *option, const char *value)
 Sets an option in the given configuration. More...
int msat_set_termination_test (msat_env env, msat_termination_test func, void *user_data)
 Installs a custom termination test in the given environment. More...
msat_type msat_get_bool_type (msat_env env)
 returns the type for Booleans in the given env. More...
msat_type msat_get_rational_type (msat_env env)
 returns the type for rationals in the given env. More...
msat_type msat_get_integer_type (msat_env env)
 returns the type for integers in the given env. More...
msat_type msat_get_bv_type (msat_env env, size_t width)
 returns the type for bit-vectors of the given width. More...
msat_type msat_get_array_type (msat_env env, msat_type itp, msat_type etp)
 returns the type for arrays with indices of itp type and elements of etp type. More...
msat_type msat_get_fp_type (msat_env env, size_t exp_width, size_t mant_width)
 returns the type for floats with the given exponent and significand/mantissa width. More...
msat_type msat_get_fp_roundingmode_type (msat_env env)
 returns the type for float rounding modes in the given env. More...
msat_type msat_get_simple_type (msat_env env, const char *name)
 returns an atomic type with the given name in the given env. More...
msat_type msat_get_function_type (msat_env env, msat_type *param_types, size_t num_params, msat_type return_type)
 returns a function type in the given env. More...
msat_type msat_get_enum_type (msat_env env, const char *name, size_t domain_size, const char **domain)
 returns an enum type in the given env. More...
int msat_is_bool_type (msat_env env, msat_type tp)
 checks whether the given type is bool. More...
int msat_is_rational_type (msat_env env, msat_type tp)
 checks whether the given type is rat. More...
int msat_is_integer_type (msat_env env, msat_type tp)
 checks whether the given type is int. More...
int msat_is_bv_type (msat_env env, msat_type tp, size_t *out_width)
 checks whether the given type is a bit-vector. More...
int msat_is_array_type (msat_env env, msat_type tp, msat_type *out_itp, msat_type *out_etp)
 checks whether the given type is an array. More...
int msat_is_fp_type (msat_env env, msat_type tp, size_t *out_exp_width, size_t *out_mant_width)
 checks whether the given type is a float. More...
int msat_is_fp_roundingmode_type (msat_env env, msat_type tp)
 checks whether the given type is a float rounding mode type. More...
int msat_is_enum_type (msat_env env, msat_type tp, size_t *out_domain_size, msat_decl **out_domain)
 checks whether the given type is an enum More...
int msat_type_equals (msat_type t1, msat_type t2)
 checks whether two types are the same More...
char * msat_type_repr (msat_type t)
 Returns an internal string representation of a type. More...
size_t msat_type_id (msat_type t)
 Returns a numeric identifier for the input type. More...
msat_decl msat_declare_function (msat_env e, const char *name, msat_type type)
 Declares a new uninterpreted function/constant. More...
Term creation
msat_term msat_make_true (msat_env e)
 Returns a term representing logical truth. More...
msat_term msat_make_false (msat_env e)
 Returns a term representing logical falsity. More...
msat_term msat_make_iff (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the equivalence of t1 and t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_or (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the logical OR of t1 and t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_and (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the logical AND of t1 and t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_not (msat_env e, msat_term t1)
 Returns a term representing the logical negation of t1. More...
msat_term msat_make_equal (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the equivalence of t1 and t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_eq (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the equivalence of t1 and t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_leq (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns an atom representing (t1 <= t2). More...
msat_term msat_make_plus (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns an expression representing (t1 + t2). More...
msat_term msat_make_times (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns an expression representing (t1 * t2). More...
msat_term msat_make_divide (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns an expression representing (t1 / t2). More...
msat_term msat_make_int_modular_congruence (msat_env e, mpz_t modulus, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns an expression representing (t1 = t2 mod modulus). More...
msat_term msat_make_floor (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Returns an expression representing (floor t) More...
msat_term msat_make_pi (msat_env e)
 Returns the constant representing the pi number. More...
msat_term msat_make_exp (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Returns an expression representing exp(t) More...
msat_term msat_make_sin (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Returns an expression representing sin(t) More...
msat_term msat_make_log (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Returns an expression representing the natural log of t. More...
msat_term msat_make_pow (msat_env e, msat_term tb, msat_term te)
 Returns an expression representing tb to the power of te. More...
msat_term msat_make_asin (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Returns an expression representing arcsin(t) More...
msat_term msat_make_number (msat_env e, const char *num_rep)
 Returns an expression representing an integer or rational number. More...
msat_term msat_make_int_number (msat_env e, int value)
 Returns an expression representing an integer or rational number. More...
msat_term msat_make_mpq_number (msat_env e, mpq_t value)
 Returns an expression representing an integer or rational number. More...
msat_term msat_make_term_ite (msat_env e, msat_term c, msat_term tt, msat_term te)
 Returns an expression representing a term if-then-else construct. More...
msat_term msat_make_constant (msat_env e, msat_decl var)
 Creates a constant from a declaration. More...
msat_term msat_make_uf (msat_env e, msat_decl func, msat_term args[])
 Creates an uninterpreted function application. More...
msat_term msat_make_array_read (msat_env e, msat_term arr, msat_term idx)
 Creates an array read operation. More...
msat_term msat_make_array_write (msat_env e, msat_term arr, msat_term idx, msat_term elem)
 Creates an array write operation. More...
msat_term msat_make_array_const (msat_env e, msat_type arrtp, msat_term elem)
 Creates a constant array. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_number (msat_env e, const char *num_rep, size_t width, size_t base)
 Returns an expression representing a bit-vector number. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_int_number (msat_env e, int value, size_t width)
 Returns an expression representing a bit-vector number. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_mpz_number (msat_env e, mpz_t value, size_t width)
 Returns an expression representing a bit-vector number. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_concat (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the concatenation of t1 and t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_extract (msat_env e, size_t msb, size_t lsb, msat_term t)
 Returns a term representing the selection of t[msb:lsb]. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_or (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the bit-wise OR of t1 and t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_xor (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the bit-wise XOR of t1 and t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_and (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the bit-wise AND of t1 and t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_not (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Returns a term representing the bit-wise negation of t. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_lshl (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the logical left shift of t1 by t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_lshr (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the logical right shift of t1 by t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_ashr (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the arithmetic right shift of t1 by t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_zext (msat_env e, size_t amount, msat_term t)
 Returns a term representing the zero extension of t. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_sext (msat_env e, size_t amount, msat_term t)
 Returns a term representing the sign extension of t1 by amount. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_plus (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the addition of t1 and t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_minus (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the subtraction of t1 by t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_neg (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Returns a term representing the negation of t, te two's-complement. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_times (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the multiplication of t1 and t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_udiv (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the unsigned division of t1 by t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_urem (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the unsigned remainder of t1 by t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_sdiv (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the signed division of t1 by t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_srem (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the signed remainder of t1 by t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_ult (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the unsigned t1 < t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_uleq (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the unsigned t1 <= t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_slt (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the signed t1 < t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_sleq (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the signed t1 <= t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_rol (msat_env e, size_t amount, msat_term t)
 Returns a term representing the left rotation of 1 by amount bits. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_ror (msat_env e, size_t amount, msat_term t)
 Returns a term representing the right rotation of 1 by amount bits. More...
msat_term msat_make_bv_comp (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the comparison of t1 and t2, resulting in a bit-vector of size 1. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_roundingmode_nearest_even (msat_env e)
 Returns a term representing the FP rounding mode ROUND_TO_NEAREST_EVEN. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_roundingmode_zero (msat_env e)
 Returns a term representing the FP rounding mode ROUND_TO_ZERO. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_roundingmode_plus_inf (msat_env e)
 Returns a term representing the FP rounding mode ROUND_TO_PLUS_INF. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_roundingmode_minus_inf (msat_env e)
 Returns a term representing the FP rounding mode ROUND_TO_MINUS_INF. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_equal (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the FP equality predicate between t1 and t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_lt (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the FP < predicate between t1 and t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_leq (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the FP <= predicate between t1 and t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_neg (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Returns a term representing the FP negation of t. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_plus (msat_env e, msat_term rounding, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the FP addition of t1 and t2, according to the given rounding mode. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_minus (msat_env e, msat_term rounding, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the FP subtraction of t1 and t2, according to the given rounding mode. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_times (msat_env e, msat_term rounding, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the FP multiplication of t1 and t2, according to the given rounding mode. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_div (msat_env e, msat_term rounding, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the FP division of t1 and t2, according to the given rounding mode. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_sqrt (msat_env e, msat_term rounding, msat_term t)
 Returns a term representing the FP square root of t, according to the given rounding mode. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_abs (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Returns a term representing the FP absolute value of t. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_min (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the FP min between t1 and t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_max (msat_env e, msat_term t1, msat_term t2)
 Returns a term representing the FP max between t1 and t2. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_round_to_int (msat_env e, msat_term rounding, msat_term t)
 Returns a term representing the FP round to integral of t, according to the given rounding mode. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_cast (msat_env e, size_t exp_w, size_t mant_w, msat_term rounding, msat_term t)
 Returns a term representing the FP format conversion of the given input term. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_to_sbv (msat_env e, size_t width, msat_term rounding, msat_term t)
 Returns a term representing the conversion of a FP term to a signed bit-vector. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_to_bv (msat_env e, size_t width, msat_term rounding, msat_term t)
msat_term msat_make_fp_to_ubv (msat_env e, size_t width, msat_term rounding, msat_term t)
 Returns a term representing the conversion of a FP term to an unsigned bit-vector. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_from_sbv (msat_env e, size_t exp_w, size_t mant_w, msat_term rounding, msat_term t)
 Returns a term representing the conversion of a signed bit-vector term to FP. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_from_ubv (msat_env e, size_t exp_w, size_t mant_w, msat_term rounding, msat_term t)
 Returns a term representing the conversion of an unsigned bit-vector term to FP. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_as_ieeebv (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Returns a term for interpreting a FP term as a bit-vector. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_from_ieeebv (msat_env e, size_t exp_w, size_t mant_w, msat_term t)
 Returns a term representing the FP number whose IEEE 754 encoding is the given bit-vector. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_isnan (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Returns the predicate for testing whether a FP term is NaN. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_isinf (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Returns the predicate for testing whether a FP term is infinity. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_iszero (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Returns the predicate for testing whether a FP term is zero. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_issubnormal (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Returns the predicate for testing whether a FP term is a subnormal. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_isnormal (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Returns the predicate for testing whether a FP term is a normal. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_isneg (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Returns the predicate for testing whether a FP term is negative. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_ispos (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Returns the predicate for testing whether a FP term is positive. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_plus_inf (msat_env e, size_t exp_w, size_t mant_w)
 Returns the FP term representing +Inf of the given format. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_minus_inf (msat_env e, size_t exp_w, size_t mant_w)
 Returns the FP term representing -Inf of the given format. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_nan (msat_env e, size_t exp_w, size_t mant_w)
 Returns the FP term representing NaN of the given format. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_rat_number (msat_env e, const char *num_rep, size_t exp_w, size_t mant_w, msat_term rounding)
 Creates an FP number from a rational number. More...
msat_term msat_make_fp_bits_number (msat_env e, const char *bits, size_t exp_w, size_t mant_w)
 Creates an FP number from a string of bits. More...
msat_term msat_make_int_to_bv (msat_env e, size_t width, msat_term t)
 Returns a term representing the conversion of an int to a bit-vector. More...
msat_term msat_make_int_from_ubv (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Returns a term representing the conversion of an unsigned bit-vector to an int. More...
msat_term msat_make_int_from_sbv (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Returns a term representing the conversion of a signed bit-vector to an int. More...
msat_term msat_make_forall (msat_env e, msat_term var, msat_term body)
 Returns a term resulting from universally quantifying the variable var in the term body. More...
msat_term msat_make_exists (msat_env e, msat_term var, msat_term body)
 Returns a term resulting from existentially quantifying the variable var in the term body. More...
msat_term msat_make_variable (msat_env e, const char *name, msat_type type)
 Returns a term representing a variable, which can be used for existential or universal quantification. More...
msat_term msat_existentially_quantify (msat_env e, msat_term t, msat_term args[], size_t n)
 Returns a term resulting from existentially quantifying the given constants in the given term. More...
msat_term msat_make_term (msat_env e, msat_decl d, msat_term args[])
 Creates a term from a declaration and a list of arguments. More...
msat_term msat_make_copy_from (msat_env e, msat_term t, msat_env src)
 Creates a term in e from an equivalent term t that was created in src. More...
Term access and navigation
size_t msat_term_id (msat_term t)
 Returns a numeric identifier for t. More...
size_t msat_term_arity (msat_term t)
 Returns the arity of t. More...
msat_term msat_term_get_arg (msat_term t, size_t n)
 Returns the nth argument of t. More...
msat_type msat_term_get_type (msat_term t)
 Returns the type of t. More...
int msat_term_is_true (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is the TRUE term. More...
int msat_term_is_false (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is the FALSE term. More...
int msat_term_is_boolean_constant (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a boolean constant. More...
int msat_term_is_atom (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is an atom. More...
int msat_term_is_number (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a number. More...
int msat_term_is_enum_value (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a value for an enum type. More...
int msat_term_to_number (msat_env e, msat_term t, mpq_t out)
 converts the given term to an mpq_t rational number More...
int msat_term_is_and (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is an AND. More...
int msat_term_is_or (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is an OR. More...
int msat_term_is_not (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a NOT. More...
int msat_term_is_iff (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is an equivalence between boolean terms. More...
int msat_term_is_term_ite (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a term if-then-else. More...
int msat_term_is_constant (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a constant. More...
int msat_term_is_uf (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is an uninterpreted function application. More...
int msat_term_is_equal (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is an equality. More...
int msat_term_is_leq (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a (t1 <= t2) atom. More...
int msat_term_is_plus (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a (t1 + t2) expression. More...
int msat_term_is_times (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a (t1 * t2) expression. More...
int msat_term_is_divide (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a (t1 / t2) expression. More...
int msat_term_is_int_modular_congruence (msat_env e, msat_term t, mpz_t out_mod)
 Checks whether t is an integer modular congruence expression. If so, stores in out_mod the value of the modulus as a GMP bigint. More...
int msat_term_is_floor (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a (floor t1) expression. More...
int msat_term_is_pi (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a the pi constant. More...
int msat_term_is_exp (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a (exp t1) expression. More...
int msat_term_is_sin (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a (sin t1) expression. More...
int msat_term_is_log (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a (log t1) expression. More...
int msat_term_is_pow (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a (pow t1 t2) expression. More...
int msat_term_is_asin (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a (asin t1) expression. More...
int msat_term_is_array_read (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is an array read. More...
int msat_term_is_array_write (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is an array write. More...
int msat_term_is_array_const (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a constant array. More...
int msat_term_is_bv_concat (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a BV concatenation. More...
int msat_term_is_bv_extract (msat_env e, msat_term t, size_t *out_msb, size_t *out_lsb)
 Checks whether t is a BV extraction. More...
int msat_term_is_bv_or (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a bit-wise or. More...
int msat_term_is_bv_xor (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a bit-wise xor. More...
int msat_term_is_bv_and (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a bit-wise and. More...
int msat_term_is_bv_not (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a bit-wise not. More...
int msat_term_is_bv_plus (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a bit-vector addition. More...
int msat_term_is_bv_minus (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a bit-vector subtraction. More...
int msat_term_is_bv_times (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a bit-vector multiplication. More...
int msat_term_is_bv_neg (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a bit-vector unary negation. More...
int msat_term_is_bv_udiv (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a bit-vector unsigned division. More...
int msat_term_is_bv_urem (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a bit-vector unsigned remainder. More...
int msat_term_is_bv_sdiv (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a bit-vector signed division. More...
int msat_term_is_bv_srem (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a bit-vector signed remainder. More...
int msat_term_is_bv_ult (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a bit-vector unsigned lt. More...
int msat_term_is_bv_uleq (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a bit-vector unsigned leq. More...
int msat_term_is_bv_slt (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a bit-vector signed lt. More...
int msat_term_is_bv_sleq (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a bit-vector signed leq. More...
int msat_term_is_bv_lshl (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a logical shift left. More...
int msat_term_is_bv_lshr (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a logical shift right. More...
int msat_term_is_bv_ashr (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is an arithmetic shift right. More...
int msat_term_is_bv_zext (msat_env e, msat_term t, size_t *out_amount)
 Checks whether t is a zero extension. More...
int msat_term_is_bv_sext (msat_env e, msat_term t, size_t *out_amount)
 Checks whether t is a sign extension. More...
int msat_term_is_bv_rol (msat_env e, msat_term t, size_t *out_amount)
 Checks whether t is a rotate left. More...
int msat_term_is_bv_ror (msat_env e, msat_term t, size_t *out_amount)
 Checks whether t is a rotate right. More...
int msat_term_is_bv_comp (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a BV comparison. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_roundingmode_nearest_even (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is the ROUND_TO_NEAREST_EVEN FP rounding mode constant. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_roundingmode_zero (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is the ROUND_TO_ZERO FP rounding mode constant. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_roundingmode_plus_inf (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is the ROUND_TO_PLUS_INF FP rounding mode constant. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_roundingmode_minus_inf (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is the ROUND_TO_MINUS_INF FP rounding mode constant. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_equal (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP equality. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_lt (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP less than. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_leq (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP <=. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_neg (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP negation. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_plus (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP plus. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_minus (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP minus. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_times (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP times. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_div (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP div. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_sqrt (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP sqrt. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_abs (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP abs. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_min (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP min. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_max (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP max. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_round_to_int (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP round to integer. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_cast (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP cast. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_to_sbv (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP to signed BV conversion. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_to_bv (msat_env e, msat_term t)
int msat_term_is_fp_to_ubv (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP to unsigned BV conversion. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_from_sbv (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP from signed BV conversion. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_from_ubv (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP from unsigned BV conversion. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_as_ieeebv (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP as BV conversion. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_from_ieeebv (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP from IEEE BV conversion. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_isnan (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP isnan predicate. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_isinf (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP isinf predicate. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_iszero (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP iszero predicate. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_issubnormal (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP issubnormal predicate. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_isnormal (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP isnormal predicate. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_isneg (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP isneg predicate. More...
int msat_term_is_fp_ispos (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a FP ispos predicate. More...
int msat_term_is_int_to_bv (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a int to BV conversion. More...
int msat_term_is_int_from_ubv (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is an unsigned BV to int conversion. More...
int msat_term_is_int_from_sbv (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a signed BV to int conversion. More...
int msat_term_is_quantifier (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a quantifier. More...
int msat_term_is_forall (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a universal quantifier. More...
int msat_term_is_exists (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is an existential quantifier. More...
int msat_term_is_variable (msat_env e, msat_term t)
 Checks whether t is a (free or bound) variable. More...
int msat_visit_term (msat_env e, msat_term t, msat_visit_term_callback func, void *user_data)
 visits the DAG of the given term t, calling the callback func for every suberm More...
msat_term msat_apply_substitution (msat_env e, msat_term t, size_t n, msat_term *to_subst, msat_term *values)
 substitutes the terms in to_subst with values in t More...
msat_decl msat_find_decl (msat_env e, const char *symbol)
 Returns the declaration of the given symbol in the given environment (if any) More...
msat_decl msat_term_get_decl (msat_term t)
 Returns the declaration associated to t (if any) More...
size_t msat_decl_id (msat_decl d)
 Returns a numeric identifier for the input declaration. More...
msat_symbol_tag msat_decl_get_tag (msat_env e, msat_decl d)
 Returns the symbol tag associated to the given declaration. More...
msat_type msat_decl_get_return_type (msat_decl d)
 Returns the return type of the given declaration. More...
size_t msat_decl_get_arity (msat_decl d)
 Returns the arity (number of arguments) of the given declaration. More...
msat_type msat_decl_get_arg_type (msat_decl d, size_t n)
 Returns the type of the given argument for the input declaration. More...
char * msat_decl_get_name (msat_decl d)
 Returns the name corresponding to the given declaration. More...
char * msat_decl_repr (msat_decl d)
 Returns an internal string representation of a declaration. More...
char * msat_term_repr (msat_term t)
 Returns an internal string representation of a term. More...
Term parsing/printing
msat_term msat_from_string (msat_env e, const char *data)
 Creates a term from its string representation. More...
msat_term msat_from_smtlib1 (msat_env e, const char *data)
 Creates a term from a string in SMT-LIB v1 format. More...
msat_term msat_from_smtlib1_file (msat_env e, FILE *f)
 Creates a term from a file in SMT-LIB v1 format. More...
msat_term msat_from_smtlib2 (msat_env e, const char *data)
 Creates a term from a string in SMT-LIB v2 format. More...
msat_term msat_from_smtlib2_file (msat_env e, FILE *f)
 Creates a term from a file in SMT-LIB v2 format. More...
char * msat_to_smtlib1 (msat_env e, msat_term term)
 Converts the given term to SMT-LIB v1 format. More...
int msat_to_smtlib1_file (msat_env e, msat_term term, FILE *out)
 Dumps the given term in SMT-LIB v1 format to the given output file. More...
char * msat_to_smtlib2 (msat_env e, msat_term term)
 Converts the given term to SMT-LIB v2 format. More...
int msat_to_smtlib2_file (msat_env e, msat_term term, FILE *out)
 Dumps the given term in SMT-LIB v2 format to the given output file. More...
char * msat_to_smtlib2_ext (msat_env e, msat_term term, const char *logic_name, int use_defines)
 Converts the given term to SMT-LIB v2 format. More...
char * msat_to_smtlib2_term (msat_env e, msat_term term)
 Prints a single term in SMT-LIB v2 format. More...
int msat_to_smtlib2_ext_file (msat_env e, msat_term term, const char *logic_name, int use_defines, FILE *out)
 Dumps the given term in SMT-LIB v2 format to the given output file. More...
int msat_named_list_from_smtlib2 (msat_env e, const char *data, size_t *out_n, char ***out_names, msat_term **out_terms)
 Parses a list of named terms from a string in SMT-LIB v2 format. More...
int msat_named_list_from_smtlib2_file (msat_env e, FILE *f, size_t *out_n, char ***out_names, msat_term **out_terms)
 Like msat_named_list_from_smtlib2(), but reads from a file instead of a string. More...
char * msat_named_list_to_smtlib2 (msat_env e, size_t n, const char **names, msat_term *terms)
 Converts the given list of named terms to SMT-LIB v2 format. More...
int msat_named_list_to_smtlib2_file (msat_env e, size_t n, const char **names, msat_term *terms, FILE *out)
 Dumps the given list of named terms in SMT-LIB v2 format to the given output file. More...
int msat_annotated_list_from_smtlib2 (msat_env e, const char *data, size_t *out_n, msat_term **out_terms, char ***out_annots)
 Parses a list of annotated terms from a string in SMT-LIB v2 format. More...
int msat_annotated_list_from_smtlib2_file (msat_env e, FILE *f, size_t *out_n, msat_term **out_terms, char ***out_annots)
 Like msat_annotated_list_from_smtlib2(), but reads from a file instead of a string. More...
char * msat_annotated_list_to_smtlib2 (msat_env e, size_t n, msat_term *terms, const char **annots)
 Converts the given list of annotated terms to SMT-LIB v2 format. More...
int msat_annotated_list_to_smtlib2_file (msat_env e, size_t n, msat_term *terms, const char **annots, FILE *out)
 Like msat_annotated_list_to_smtlib2(), but writes to a FILE instead of returning a string. More...
Problem solving
int msat_push_backtrack_point (msat_env e)
 Pushes a checkpoint for backtracking in an environment. More...
int msat_pop_backtrack_point (msat_env e)
 Backtracks to the last checkpoint set in the environment e. More...
size_t msat_num_backtrack_points (msat_env e)
 returns the number of backtrack points in the given environment More...
int msat_reset_env (msat_env e)
 Resets an environment. More...
int msat_assert_formula (msat_env e, msat_term formula)
 Adds a logical formula to an environment. More...
int msat_add_preferred_for_branching (msat_env e, msat_term boolvar, msat_truth_value phase)
 Adds a Boolean variable at the end of the list of preferred variables for branching when solving the problem. More...
int msat_clear_preferred_for_branching (msat_env e)
 Clears the list of preferred variables for branching. More...
msat_result msat_solve (msat_env e)
 Checks the satiafiability of the given environment. More...
msat_result msat_solve_with_assumptions (msat_env e, msat_term *assumptions, size_t num_assumptions)
 Checks the satiafiability of the given environment under the given assumptions. More...
int msat_all_sat (msat_env e, msat_term *important, size_t num_important, msat_all_sat_model_callback func, void *user_data)
 Performs AllSat over the important atoms of the conjunction of all formulas asserted in e (see msat_assert_formula). When used in incremental mode, a backtrack point should be pushed before calling this function, and popped after this call has completed. Not doing this changes the satisfiability of the formula. More...
int msat_all_sat_ext (msat_env e, msat_term *important, size_t num_important, msat_truth_value phase, msat_all_sat_model_callback func, void *user_data)
int msat_solve_diversify (msat_env e, msat_term *diversifiers, size_t num_diversifiers, msat_solve_diversify_model_callback func, void *user_data)
 Enumerates diverse models over the asserted stack. More...
msat_term * msat_get_asserted_formulas (msat_env e, size_t *num_asserted)
 Returns the list of formulas in the assertion stack. More...
msat_term * msat_get_theory_lemmas (msat_env e, size_t *num_tlemmas)
 Retrieves the theory lemmas used in the last search (see msat_solve). More...
char * msat_get_search_stats (msat_env e)
 Returns a string with search statistics for the given environment. More...
msat_term msat_simplify (msat_env e, msat_term formula, msat_term *to_protect, size_t num_to_protect)
 Simplify the input formula by performing variable elimination with toplevel equalities. More...
int msat_create_itp_group (msat_env e)
 Creates a new group for interpolation. More...
int msat_set_itp_group (msat_env e, int group)
 Sets the current interpolation group. More...
msat_term msat_get_interpolant (msat_env e, int *groups_of_a, size_t n)
 Computes an interpolant for a pair (A, B) of formulas. More...
Model Computation
msat_term msat_get_model_value (msat_env e, msat_term term)
 Returns the value of the term term in the current model. More...
msat_model_iterator msat_create_model_iterator (msat_env e)
 Creates a model iterator. More...
int msat_model_iterator_has_next (msat_model_iterator i)
 Checks whether i can be incremented. More...
int msat_model_iterator_next (msat_model_iterator i, msat_term *t, msat_term *v)
 Returns the next (term, value) pair in the model, and increments the given iterator. More...
void msat_destroy_model_iterator (msat_model_iterator i)
 Destroys a model iterator. More...
msat_model msat_get_model (msat_env e)
 Creates a model object. More...
void msat_destroy_model (msat_model m)
 Destroys the given model object. More...
msat_term msat_model_eval (msat_model m, msat_term t)
 Evaluates the input term in the given model. More...
msat_model_iterator msat_model_create_iterator (msat_model m)
 Creates an iterator for the given model. More...
Unsat Core Computation
msat_term * msat_get_unsat_core (msat_env e, size_t *core_size)
 Returns the unsatisfiable core of the last search (see msat_solve) as a subset of the asserted formulas, if the problem was unsatisfiable. More...
msat_term * msat_get_unsat_core_ext (msat_env e, size_t *core_size, msat_ext_unsat_core_extractor extractor, void *user_data)
 Returns the unsatisfiable core of the last search (see msat_solve) as a subset of the asserted formulas, computed using an external Boolean unsat core extractor (see msat_ext_unsat_core_extractor). More...
msat_term * msat_get_unsat_assumptions (msat_env e, size_t *assumps_size)
 Returns the list of assumptions resposible for the unsatisfiability detected by the last search (see msat_solve_with_assumptions). More...
msat_proof_manager msat_get_proof_manager (msat_env e)
 Returns a proof manager for the given environment. More...
void msat_destroy_proof_manager (msat_proof_manager m)
 Destroys a proof manager. More...
msat_proof msat_get_proof (msat_proof_manager m)
 Returns a proof of unsatisfiability. More...
size_t msat_proof_id (msat_proof p)
 Returns a numeric identifier for p. More...
int msat_proof_is_term (msat_proof p)
 Checks whether a proof object is a term. More...
msat_term msat_proof_get_term (msat_proof p)
 Retrieves the term associated to a term proof. More...
const char * msat_proof_get_name (msat_proof p)
 Retrieves the name of a non-term proof. More...
size_t msat_proof_get_arity (msat_proof p)
 Retrieves the number of children of a non-term proof. More...
msat_proof msat_proof_get_child (msat_proof p, size_t i)
 Retrieves a sub-proof of a given proof. More...
External SAT Solver Interface
int msat_set_external_dpll_engine (msat_env env, msat_ext_dpll_interface *engine)
 Sets an external dpll engine to be used by an environment. More...
int msat_dpll_callback_no_conflict_after_bcp (msat_dpll_callback cb, msat_truth_value *code, int **conflict)
 Callback function that the external SAT solver must call when a round of BCP has been completed without finding a Boolean conflict. More...
int msat_dpll_callback_model_found (msat_dpll_callback cb, msat_truth_value *code, int **conflict)
 Callback function that the external SAT solver must call when a Boolean model has been found. More...
int msat_dpll_callback_notify_assignment (msat_dpll_callback cb, int lit)
 Callback function that the external SAT solver must call whenever a literal is added to the trail. More...
int msat_dpll_callback_notify_new_level (msat_dpll_callback cb)
 Callback function that the external SAT solver must call whenever a new decision level is opened. More...
int msat_dpll_callback_notify_backtrack (msat_dpll_callback cb, int level)
 Callback function that the external SAT solver must call whenever it backtracks. More...
int msat_dpll_callback_ask_theory_reason (msat_dpll_callback cb, int lit, int **reason)
 Callback function that the external SAT solver must call for asking MathSAT the reason for a theory-deduced literal, during conflict analysis. More...

Data types and special values

#define MSAT_ERROR_CONFIG(cfg)   ((cfg).repr == NULL)
 Error checking for configurations. More...
#define MSAT_ERROR_ENV(env)   ((env).repr == NULL)
 Error checking for environments. More...
#define MSAT_ERROR_TERM(term)   ((term).repr == NULL)
 Error checking for terms. More...
#define MSAT_MAKE_ERROR_TERM(term)   ((term).repr = NULL)
 Sets given term to be an error term. More...
#define MSAT_ERROR_DECL(decl)   ((decl).repr == NULL)
 Error checking for declarations. More...
#define MSAT_ERROR_TYPE(tp)   ((tp).repr == NULL)
 Error checking for types. More...
#define MSAT_ERROR_MODEL_ITERATOR(iter)   ((iter).repr == NULL)
 Error checking for model iterators. More...
#define MSAT_ERROR_MODEL(model)   ((model).repr == NULL)
 Error checking for models. More...
#define MSAT_ERROR_PROOF_MANAGER(mgr)   ((mgr).repr == NULL)
 Error checking for proof managers. More...
#define MSAT_ERROR_PROOF(p)   ((p).repr == NULL)
 Error checking for proofs. More...
#define MSAT_ERROR_OBJECTIVE(objective)   ((objective).repr == NULL)
 Error checking for objectives. More...
#define MSAT_ERROR_OBJECTIVE_ITERATOR(iter)   ((iter).repr == NULL)
 Error checking for objective iterators. More...
enum  msat_result { MSAT_UNKNOWN = -1, MSAT_UNSAT, MSAT_SAT }
enum  msat_truth_value { MSAT_UNDEF = -1, MSAT_FALSE, MSAT_TRUE }
enum  msat_symbol_tag {
enum  msat_visit_status { MSAT_VISIT_PROCESS = 0, MSAT_VISIT_SKIP = 1, MSAT_VISIT_ABORT = 2 }
typedef int(* msat_all_sat_model_callback) (msat_term *model, int size, void *user_data)
 Callback function to be notified about models found by msat_all_sat. More...
typedef int(* msat_solve_diversify_model_callback) (msat_model_iterator it, void *user_data)
 Callback function to be notified about models found by msat_solve_diversify. More...
typedef msat_visit_status(* msat_visit_term_callback) (msat_env e, msat_term t, int preorder, void *user_data)
 Callback function to visit a term DAG with msat_visit_term. More...
typedef int(* msat_termination_test) (void *user_data)
 Custom test for early termination of search. More...
typedef int(* msat_ext_unsat_core_extractor) (int *cnf_in, int *groups_in_out, size_t *size_in_out, void *user_data)
 External Boolean unsat core extraction function, to be used with msat_get_unsat_core_ext. More...
void msat_free (void *ptr)
 Function for deallocating the memory accessible by pointers returned by MathSAT. More...
char * msat_get_version (void)
 Gets the current MathSAT version. More...
const char * msat_get_version_id (void)
const char * msat_last_error_message (msat_env env)
 Retrieves the last error message generated while operating in the given enviroment. More...

Detailed Description

API for the MathSAT SMT solver.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define MSAT_ERROR_CONFIG (   cfg)    ((cfg).repr == NULL)

Error checking for configurations.

Use this macro to check whether returned values of type msat_config are valid


#define MSAT_ERROR_DECL (   decl)    ((decl).repr == NULL)

Error checking for declarations.

Use this macro to check whether returned values of type msat_decl are valid


#define MSAT_ERROR_ENV (   env)    ((env).repr == NULL)

Error checking for environments.

Use this macro to check whether returned values of type msat_env are valid


#define MSAT_ERROR_MODEL (   model)    ((model).repr == NULL)

Error checking for models.

Use this macro to check whether returned values of type msat_model are valid


#define MSAT_ERROR_MODEL_ITERATOR (   iter)    ((iter).repr == NULL)

Error checking for model iterators.

Use this macro to check whether returned values of type msat_model_iterator are valid


#define MSAT_ERROR_OBJECTIVE (   objective)    ((objective).repr == NULL)

Error checking for objectives.

Use this macro to check whether returned values of type ::msat_objective are valid


#define MSAT_ERROR_OBJECTIVE_ITERATOR (   iter)    ((iter).repr == NULL)

Error checking for objective iterators.

Use this macro to check whether returned values of type ::msat_objective_iterator are valid


#define MSAT_ERROR_PROOF (   p)    ((p).repr == NULL)

Error checking for proofs.

Use this macro to check whether returned values of type msat_proof are valid


#define MSAT_ERROR_PROOF_MANAGER (   mgr)    ((mgr).repr == NULL)

Error checking for proof managers.

Use this macro to check whether returned values of type msat_proof_manager are valid


#define MSAT_ERROR_TERM (   term)    ((term).repr == NULL)

Error checking for terms.

Use this macro to check whether returned values of type msat_term are valid


#define MSAT_ERROR_TYPE (   tp)    ((tp).repr == NULL)

Error checking for types.

Use this macro to check whether returned values of type msat_type are valid


#define MSAT_MAKE_ERROR_TERM (   term)    ((term).repr = NULL)

Sets given term to be an error term.

Use this macro to make terms error terms.

Typedef Documentation

◆ msat_all_sat_model_callback

typedef int(* msat_all_sat_model_callback) (msat_term *model, int size, void *user_data)

Callback function to be notified about models found by msat_all_sat.

This callback function can be used to be notified about the models found by the AllSat algorithm. Such models contain the truth values of the important atoms, as specified with msat_all_sat. Each term in the model array is either an important atom or its negation, according to the truth value in the model. Notice that the model array is read-only, and will be valid only until the callback function returns. If the function returns zero, then the current search is aborted

◆ msat_ext_unsat_core_extractor

typedef int(* msat_ext_unsat_core_extractor) (int *cnf_in, int *groups_in_out, size_t *size_in_out, void *user_data)

External Boolean unsat core extraction function, to be used with msat_get_unsat_core_ext.

The function accepts as input an array of integers representing the input problem in DIMACS format (with different clauses separated by a 0) and an array of group indices (positive integers, with index 0 reserved for the "background" group), and it must modify the array of groups in-place for storing the indices of the groups in the unsat core. The parameter size_in_out gives the number of clauses in the input cnf, and should be modified to store the number of groups in the computed core. The function should return a non-zero value to signal an error. See also (MUS track)

◆ msat_solve_diversify_model_callback

typedef int(* msat_solve_diversify_model_callback) (msat_model_iterator it, void *user_data)

Callback function to be notified about models found by msat_solve_diversify.

This callback function can be used to be notified about the models found by the diversification algorithm. If the function returns non-zero, then the current search is aborted

◆ msat_termination_test

typedef int(* msat_termination_test) (void *user_data)

Custom test for early termination of search.

See msat_set_termination_test

◆ msat_visit_term_callback

typedef msat_visit_status(* msat_visit_term_callback) (msat_env e, msat_term t, int preorder, void *user_data)

Callback function to visit a term DAG with msat_visit_term.

This callback function gets called by the term visitor for each visited subterm. The preorder flag tells whether the function is called before or after visiting the subterms. The return value of this function determines how the visit should continue (see msat_visit_status)

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ msat_result

MathSAT result.







◆ msat_symbol_tag

MathSAT symbol tag.


the Boolean constant True


the Boolean constant False


the AND Boolean connective


the OR Boolean connective


the NOT Boolean connective


the IFF Boolean connective


arithmetic addition


arithmetic multiplication


arithmetic division


floor function


arithmetic <=




term-level if-then-else


integer modular congruence


BV concatenation


BV selection


BV bitwise not


BV bitwise and


BV bitwise or


BV bitwise xor


BV unsigned <


BV signed <


BV unsigned <=


BV signed <


BV bit comparison


BV unary minus


BV addition


BV subtraction


BV multiplication


BV unsigned division


BV signed division


BV unsigned remainder


BV signed remainder


BV logical left shift


BV logical right shift


BV arithmetic right shift


BV rotate left


BV rotate right


BV zero extension


BV sign extension


Array read/select operation


Array write/store operation


Constant arrays


FP IEEE equality


FP <


FP <=


FP unary minus


FP addition


FP subtraction


FP multiplication


FP division


FP square root


FP absolute value


FP min


FP max


FP format conversion


FP round to integer


FP conversion from a signed BV


FP conversion from an unsigned BV


FP conversion to signed BV


FP conversion to unsigned BV


FP as IEEE BV (access to the bits)


FP check for NaN


FP check for infinity


FP check for zero


FP check for subnormal


FP check for normal


FP check for negative


FP check for positive


FP conversion from IEEE BV


Unsigned BV -> INT conversion


Signed BV -> INT conversion


INT -> BV conversion


Pi constant


Exponential function


Sine function


Natural logarithm function


Power function


Arcsin function


Universal quantifier


Existential quantifier

◆ msat_truth_value

MathSAT truth value.







◆ msat_visit_status

MathSAT status for the callback passed to msat_visit_term


Continue visiting


Skip this term and the subterms


Abort visit immediately

Function Documentation

◆ msat_add_preferred_for_branching()

int msat_add_preferred_for_branching ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  boolvar,
msat_truth_value  phase 

Adds a Boolean variable at the end of the list of preferred variables for branching when solving the problem.

eThe environment in which to operate
boolvarThe Boolean variable to add to the preferred list
phaseThe phase of the variable for branching. If MSAT_UNDEF, the phase is determined by the currently configured heuristics
zero on success, nonzero on error

◆ msat_all_sat()

int msat_all_sat ( msat_env  e,
msat_term *  important,
size_t  num_important,
msat_all_sat_model_callback  func,
void *  user_data 

Performs AllSat over the important atoms of the conjunction of all formulas asserted in e (see msat_assert_formula). When used in incremental mode, a backtrack point should be pushed before calling this function, and popped after this call has completed. Not doing this changes the satisfiability of the formula.

eThe environment to use
importantAn array of important atoms. If NULL, all atoms are considered important
num_importantThe size of the important array. If important is NULL, set this to zero
funcThe callback function to be notified about models found (see msat_all_sat_model_callback). Cannot be NULL
user_dataGeneric data pointer which will be passed to func. Can be anything, its value will not be interpreted
The number of models found, or -1 on error. If the solver detects that the formula is a tautology, -2 is returned. Note however that:
  1. not all tautologies are detected by the solver. I.e., sometimes the solver will explicitly enumerate all the models of the formula even for tautologies
  2. the number returned might be an over-approximation of the actual number of models. This can happen because the solver might sometimes report the same model more than once. In these cases, the callback function will be called multiple times with the same input.

◆ msat_annotated_list_from_smtlib2()

int msat_annotated_list_from_smtlib2 ( msat_env  e,
const char *  data,
size_t *  out_n,
msat_term **  out_terms,
char ***  out_annots 

Parses a list of annotated terms from a string in SMT-LIB v2 format.

Given a string in SMT-LIB v2 format, collect and return all and only the terms with an annotation.

eThen environment in which terms are created
dataThe input string in SMT-LIBv2 format
out_nOn success, the number of terms is stored here. Must not be NULL. Notice that terms with multiple annotations are counted multiple times (see out_names below)
out_termsOn success, the parsed annotated terms are stored here. Must not be NULL. The array is dynamically allocated, and must be deallocated by the user with msat_free(). If a term contains multiple annotations, it will occur multiple times here (once for each annotation).
out_annotsOn success, the annotations of the parsed terms are stored here. Must not be NULL. Both the array and its elements are dynamically allocated, and must be deallocated by the user with msat_free(). For each term at index i in out_terms, the corresponding annotation is stored as a key, value pair at indices 2*i and 2*i+1 in out_annots.
zero on success, nonzero on error.

◆ msat_annotated_list_from_smtlib2_file()

int msat_annotated_list_from_smtlib2_file ( msat_env  e,
FILE *  f,
size_t *  out_n,
msat_term **  out_terms,
char ***  out_annots 

Like msat_annotated_list_from_smtlib2(), but reads from a file instead of a string.

Given a FILE in SMT-LIB v2 format, collect and return all and only the terms with an annotation.

eThen environment in which terms are created
dataThe input string in SMT-LIBv2 format
out_nOn success, the number of terms is stored here. Must not be NULL. Notice that terms with multiple annotations are counted multiple times (see out_names below)
out_termsOn success, the parsed annotated terms are stored here. Must not be NULL. The array is dynamically allocated, and must be deallocated by the user with msat_free(). If a term contains multiple annotations, it will occur multiple times here (once for each annotation).
out_annotsOn success, the annotations of the parsed terms are stored here. Must not be NULL. Both the array and its elements are dynamically allocated, and must be deallocated by the user with msat_free(). For each term at index i in out_terms, the corresponding annotation is stored as a key, value pair at indices 2*i and 2*i+1 in out_annots.
zero on success, nonzero on error.

◆ msat_annotated_list_to_smtlib2()

char* msat_annotated_list_to_smtlib2 ( msat_env  e,
size_t  n,
msat_term *  terms,
const char **  annots 

Converts the given list of annotated terms to SMT-LIB v2 format.

eThe environment in which the terms are defined
nThe number of terms to dump
termsThe terms to convert
annotsAn array of annotations for the terms. For each term at index i in terms, the corresponding (key, value) annotation is stored at indices 2*i and 2*i+1 in annots. Terms with multiple annotations should be listed multiple times in terms (once for each annotation).
a string in SMT-LIB v2 format storing all the annotated input terms, or NULL in case of errors. If not NULL, the returned string must be deallocated by the user with msat_free().

◆ msat_annotated_list_to_smtlib2_file()

int msat_annotated_list_to_smtlib2_file ( msat_env  e,
size_t  n,
msat_term *  terms,
const char **  annots,
FILE *  out 

Like msat_annotated_list_to_smtlib2(), but writes to a FILE instead of returning a string.

eThe environment in which the terms are defined
nThe number of terms to dump
termsThe terms to convert
annotsAn array of annotations for the terms. For each term at index i in terms, the corresponding (key, value) annotation is stored at indices 2*i and 2*i+1 in annots. Terms with multiple annotations should be listed multiple times in terms (once for each annotation).
outThe output file
zero on success, nonzero on error.

◆ msat_apply_substitution()

msat_term msat_apply_substitution ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t,
size_t  n,
msat_term *  to_subst,
msat_term *  values 

substitutes the terms in to_subst with values in t

eThe environment in which to operate
tThe term to apply the substitution to
nThe number of terms to substitute
to_substThe terms to substitute
valuesThe values to substitute
The result of the substitution, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_assert_formula()

int msat_assert_formula ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  formula 

Adds a logical formula to an environment.

eThe environment in which the formula is asserted
formulaThe formula to assert. Must have been created in e, otherwise bad things will happen (probably a crash)
zero on success, nonzero on error

◆ msat_clear_preferred_for_branching()

int msat_clear_preferred_for_branching ( msat_env  e)

Clears the list of preferred variables for branching.

eThe environment in which to operate
zero on success, nonzero on error

◆ msat_create_config()

msat_config msat_create_config ( void  )

Creates a new MathSAT configuration.

A new configuration.

◆ msat_create_default_config()

msat_config msat_create_default_config ( const char *  logic)

Creates a new MathSAT configuration with the default settings for the given logic.

logicAn SMT-LIB logic name
A new configuration. In case of errors, a cfg s.t. MSAT_ERROR_CONFIG(cfg) is true is returned

◆ msat_create_env()

msat_env msat_create_env ( msat_config  cfg)

Creates a new MathSAT environment from the given configuration.

cfgThe configuration to use.
A new environment. Use MSAT_ERROR_ENV to check for errors

◆ msat_create_itp_group()

int msat_create_itp_group ( msat_env  e)

Creates a new group for interpolation.

When computing an interpolant, formulas are organized into several groups, which are partitioned into two sets GA and GB. The conjuction of formulas in GA will play the role of A, and that of formulas in GB will play the role of B (see msat_set_itp_group, msat_get_interpolant).

eThe environment in which to operate.
an identifier for the new group, or -1 in case of error.

◆ msat_create_model_iterator()

msat_model_iterator msat_create_model_iterator ( msat_env  e)

Creates a model iterator.

eThe environment in use
an iterator for the current model

◆ msat_create_shared_env()

msat_env msat_create_shared_env ( msat_config  cfg,
msat_env  sibling 

Creates an environment that can share terms with its sibling.

cfgThe configuration to use.
siblingThe environment with which to share terms.
A new environment. Use MSAT_ERROR_ENV to check for errors

◆ msat_decl_get_arg_type()

msat_type msat_decl_get_arg_type ( msat_decl  d,
size_t  n 

Returns the type of the given argument for the input declaration.

dA declaration
nThe index of the argument for which the type is needed
The type of the given argument, or MSAT_U on error.

◆ msat_decl_get_arity()

size_t msat_decl_get_arity ( msat_decl  d)

Returns the arity (number of arguments) of the given declaration.

dA declaration
The arity of the declaration.

◆ msat_decl_get_name()

char* msat_decl_get_name ( msat_decl  d)

Returns the name corresponding to the given declaration.

dA declaration
The name of the given declaration. The returned string must be deallocated by the user with msat_free(). NULL is returned in case of error.

◆ msat_decl_get_return_type()

msat_type msat_decl_get_return_type ( msat_decl  d)

Returns the return type of the given declaration.

The return type for a constant is simply the constant's type.

dA declaration
The return type. In case of error, MSAT_U is returned.

◆ msat_decl_get_tag()

msat_symbol_tag msat_decl_get_tag ( msat_env  e,
msat_decl  d 

Returns the symbol tag associated to the given declaration.

eThe environment in which to operate
dA declaration
the tag of the declaration

◆ msat_decl_id()

size_t msat_decl_id ( msat_decl  d)

Returns a numeric identifier for the input declaration.

The returned value is guaranteed to be unique within the environment in which d was defined. Therefore, it can be used to test two declarations for equality, as well as a hash value.

dA declaration.
a unique (within the defining env) numeric identifier

◆ msat_decl_repr()

char* msat_decl_repr ( msat_decl  d)

Returns an internal string representation of a declaration.

The returned string can be useful for debugging purposes only, as it is an internal representation of a declaration

dA declaration.
a string reprsentation of d, or NULL in case of errors. The string must be dellocated by the caller with msat_free().

◆ msat_declare_function()

msat_decl msat_declare_function ( msat_env  e,
const char *  name,
msat_type  type 

Declares a new uninterpreted function/constant.

eThe environment of the declaration.
nameA name for the function. It must be unique in the environment.
typeThe type of the function.
A constant declaration, or a val s.t. MSAT_ERROR_DECL(val) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_destroy_config()

void msat_destroy_config ( msat_config  cfg)

Destroys a configuration.

It is an error to destroy a configuration that is still being used by an environment.

cfgThe configuration to destroy.

◆ msat_destroy_env()

void msat_destroy_env ( msat_env  e)

Destroys an environment.

eThe environment to destroy.

◆ msat_destroy_model()

void msat_destroy_model ( msat_model  m)

Destroys the given model object.

mA model object.

◆ msat_destroy_model_iterator()

void msat_destroy_model_iterator ( msat_model_iterator  i)

Destroys a model iterator.

iThe iterator to destroy.

◆ msat_destroy_proof_manager()

void msat_destroy_proof_manager ( msat_proof_manager  m)

Destroys a proof manager.

Destroying a proof manager will also destroy all the proofs associated with it.

mThe proof manager to destroy.

◆ msat_dpll_callback_ask_theory_reason()

int msat_dpll_callback_ask_theory_reason ( msat_dpll_callback  cb,
int  lit,
int **  reason 

Callback function that the external SAT solver must call for asking MathSAT the reason for a theory-deduced literal, during conflict analysis.

cbThe callback object to use.
levelThe literal whose reason needs to be computed.
reasonPointer to the zero-terminated reason clause for lit, with the first element being lit itself.
zero on success, nonzero on error.

◆ msat_dpll_callback_model_found()

int msat_dpll_callback_model_found ( msat_dpll_callback  cb,
msat_truth_value code,
int **  conflict 

Callback function that the external SAT solver must call when a Boolean model has been found.

The code value set by callback function tells the SAT solver what to do.

  • if it is MSAT_TRUE, the model is theory satisfiable, so the formula is satisfiable.
  • if it is MSAT_FALSE, MathSAT found a theory conflict, which is stored in conflict. The SAT solver is expected to perform conflict analysis on it and backjump.
  • if it is MSAT_UNDEF, MathSAT created some new variables that need to be assigned by the SAT solver, so the search should continue.
cbThe callback object to use.
codePointer to a variable set by the callback function.
conflictPointer for retrieving the theory conflict, when the code value is set to MSAT_FALSE.
zero on success, nonzero on error.

◆ msat_dpll_callback_no_conflict_after_bcp()

int msat_dpll_callback_no_conflict_after_bcp ( msat_dpll_callback  cb,
msat_truth_value code,
int **  conflict 

Callback function that the external SAT solver must call when a round of BCP has been completed without finding a Boolean conflict.

The code value set by callback function tells the SAT solver what to do.

  • if it is MSAT_TRUE, the SAT solver can go on.
  • if it is MSAT_FALSE, MathSAT found a theory conflict, which is stored in conflict. The SAT solver is expected to perform conflict analysis on it and backjump.
  • if it is MSAT_UNDEF, the SAT solver needs to perform another round of BCP, because MathSAT enqueued some new literals on the trail.
cbThe callback object to use.
codePointer to a variable set by the callback function.
conflictPointer for retrieving the theory conflict, when the code value is set to MSAT_FALSE.
zero on success, nonzero on error.

◆ msat_dpll_callback_notify_assignment()

int msat_dpll_callback_notify_assignment ( msat_dpll_callback  cb,
int  lit 

Callback function that the external SAT solver must call whenever a literal is added to the trail.

cbThe callback object to use.
litThe assigned literal in DIMACS format.
zero on success, nonzero on error.

◆ msat_dpll_callback_notify_backtrack()

int msat_dpll_callback_notify_backtrack ( msat_dpll_callback  cb,
int  level 

Callback function that the external SAT solver must call whenever it backtracks.

cbThe callback object to use.
levelThe target decision level for backtracking.
zero on success, nonzero on error.

◆ msat_dpll_callback_notify_new_level()

int msat_dpll_callback_notify_new_level ( msat_dpll_callback  cb)

Callback function that the external SAT solver must call whenever a new decision level is opened.

cbThe callback object to use.
zero on success, nonzero on error.

◆ msat_existentially_quantify()

msat_term msat_existentially_quantify ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t,
msat_term  args[],
size_t  n 

Returns a term resulting from existentially quantifying the given constants in the given term.

eThe environment of the definition
tThe term whose constants should be existentially quantified.
argsThe list of constants to quantify.
nThe size of the list of constants.
The term exists constants body, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_find_decl()

msat_decl msat_find_decl ( msat_env  e,
const char *  symbol 

Returns the declaration of the given symbol in the given environment (if any)

If symbol is not declared in e, the returned value ret will be s.t. MSAT_ERROR_DECL(ret) is true

eThe environment in which to operate
The declaration of symbol in e, or a ret s.t. MSAT_ERROR_DECL(ret) is true

◆ msat_free()

void msat_free ( void *  ptr)

Function for deallocating the memory accessible by pointers returned by MathSAT.

◆ msat_from_smtlib1()

msat_term msat_from_smtlib1 ( msat_env  e,
const char *  data 

Creates a term from a string in SMT-LIB v1 format.

eThe environment in which to create the term.
dataThe string representation in SMT-LIB v1 format.
The created term, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_from_smtlib1_file()

msat_term msat_from_smtlib1_file ( msat_env  e,
FILE *  f 

Creates a term from a file in SMT-LIB v1 format.

eThe environment in which to create the term.
fThe file in SMT-LIB v1 format.
The created term, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_from_smtlib2()

msat_term msat_from_smtlib2 ( msat_env  e,
const char *  data 

Creates a term from a string in SMT-LIB v2 format.

eThe environment in which to create the term.
dataThe string representation in SMT-LIB v2 format. It can't contain commands other than functions and type declarations, definitions, and assertions
The created term, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_from_smtlib2_file()

msat_term msat_from_smtlib2_file ( msat_env  e,
FILE *  f 

Creates a term from a file in SMT-LIB v2 format.

eThe environment in which to create the term.
fThe file in SMT-LIB v2 format. It can't contain commands other than functions and type declarations, definitions, and assertions
The created term, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_from_string()

msat_term msat_from_string ( msat_env  e,
const char *  data 

Creates a term from its string representation.

The syntax of repr is that of the SMT-LIB v2. All the variables and functions must have been previously declared in e.

eThe environment of the definition
reprThe string to parse, in SMT-LIB v2 syntax
The created term, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_gc_env()

int msat_gc_env ( msat_env  env,
msat_term *  tokeep,
size_t  num_tokeep 

Performs garbage collection on the given environment.

This function will perform garbage collection on the given environment. All the internal caches of the environment will be cleared (including those in the active solvers and preprocessors). If the environment is not shared, all the terms that are not either in tokeep or in the current asserted formulas will be deleted.

envThe environment in which to operate.
tokeepList of terms to not delete.
num_tokeepSize of the tokeep array.
zero on success, nonzero on error.

◆ msat_get_array_type()

msat_type msat_get_array_type ( msat_env  env,
msat_type  itp,
msat_type  etp 

returns the type for arrays with indices of itp type and elements of etp type.

◆ msat_get_asserted_formulas()

msat_term* msat_get_asserted_formulas ( msat_env  e,
size_t *  num_asserted 

Returns the list of formulas in the assertion stack.

The return value is a dynamically-allocated array of *num_asserted elements, which must be deallocated by the user. NULL is returned in case of errors. The array elements are formulas that are logically equivalent to the one asserted using msat_assert_formula

eThe environment in which to operate.
num_assertedPointer to a valid address for storing the number of formulas currently in the assertion stack.
An array with the asserted formulas, or NULL in case of errors. The array is must be deallocated by allocated the user with msat_free().

◆ msat_get_bool_type()

msat_type msat_get_bool_type ( msat_env  env)

returns the type for Booleans in the given env.

◆ msat_get_bv_type()

msat_type msat_get_bv_type ( msat_env  env,
size_t  width 

returns the type for bit-vectors of the given width.

◆ msat_get_enum_type()

msat_type msat_get_enum_type ( msat_env  env,
const char *  name,
size_t  domain_size,
const char **  domain 

returns an enum type in the given env.

envThe environment in which to operate
nameThe name of the enum type
domain_sizeThe number of values of the enum
domainThe possible values of the enum
an enum type

◆ msat_get_fp_roundingmode_type()

msat_type msat_get_fp_roundingmode_type ( msat_env  env)

returns the type for float rounding modes in the given env.

◆ msat_get_fp_type()

msat_type msat_get_fp_type ( msat_env  env,
size_t  exp_width,
size_t  mant_width 

returns the type for floats with the given exponent and significand/mantissa width.

◆ msat_get_function_type()

msat_type msat_get_function_type ( msat_env  env,
msat_type *  param_types,
size_t  num_params,
msat_type  return_type 

returns a function type in the given env.

envThe environment in which to operate
param_typesThe types of the function arguments
num_paramsThe arity of the function type
return_typeThe type of the return value
a function type

◆ msat_get_integer_type()

msat_type msat_get_integer_type ( msat_env  env)

returns the type for integers in the given env.

◆ msat_get_interpolant()

msat_term msat_get_interpolant ( msat_env  e,
int *  groups_of_a,
size_t  n 

Computes an interpolant for a pair (A, B) of formulas.

A is the conjucntion of all the assumed formulas in the groups_of_a groups (see msat_create_itp_group), and B is the rest of assumed formulas.

This function must be called only after msat_solve, and only if MSAT_UNSAT was returned. Moreover, interpolation must have been enabled in the configuration for the environment

eThe environment in which to operate.
groups_of_aAn array of group identifiers.
nThe size of the groups_of_a array.
The interpolating term, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_get_model()

msat_model msat_get_model ( msat_env  e)

Creates a model object.

eThe environment in use.
A model object. Use MSAT_ERROR_MODEL() to check for errors.

◆ msat_get_model_value()

msat_term msat_get_model_value ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  term 

Returns the value of the term term in the current model.


  • model computation was enabled in the configuration of the environment
  • the last call to msat_solve returned a MSAT_SAT result
  • no assert/push/pop/allsat commands have been issued in the meantime
eThe environment in use
termThe term of interest.
The model value for term. If an error occurs, the return value ret is such that MSAT_ERROR_TERM(ret) is true

◆ msat_get_proof()

msat_proof msat_get_proof ( msat_proof_manager  m)

Returns a proof of unsatisfiability.

a proof is recursively defined as:

msat_proof ::= msat_term | name msat_proof*

i.e., it is either a term or a list of a name and children proofs. Proofs can be distinguished by their name, or by whether they are terms. Relevant proofs include:

"clause-hyp", which are the clauses of the (CNF conversion of the) input problem. They have a list of terms as children

"res-chain", representing Boolean resolution chains. The children are an interleaving of proofs and terms, where terms are the pivots for the resolution. For example: "res-chain p1 v p2" represents a resolution step between p1 and p2 on the pivot v

"theory-lemma", representing theory lemmas. They have as children a list of terms that consititute the lemma, plus an optional last element which is a more detailed proof produced by a theory solver.

mThe proof manager in which to operate.
The proof of unsatisfiability associated to the latest msat_solve() call, or an object p s.t. MSAT_ERROR_PROOF(p) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_get_proof_manager()

msat_proof_manager msat_get_proof_manager ( msat_env  e)

Returns a proof manager for the given environment.

The manager must be destroyed by the user, with msat_destroy_proof_manager. In order to obtain a non-error result, the option "proof_generation" must be set to "true" in the configuration used for creating the environment.

eThe environment in which to operate.
A proof manager for the environment. MSAT_ERROR_PROOF_MANAGER can be used to check whether an error occurred.

◆ msat_get_rational_type()

msat_type msat_get_rational_type ( msat_env  env)

returns the type for rationals in the given env.

◆ msat_get_search_stats()

char* msat_get_search_stats ( msat_env  e)

Returns a string with search statistics for the given environment.

The returned string will contain newline-separated statistics for the DPLL engine and the active theory solvers in the given environment.

eThe environment in which to operate.
A string with search statistics, or NULL in case of errors. The string must be deallocated by the user with msat_free().

◆ msat_get_simple_type()

msat_type msat_get_simple_type ( msat_env  env,
const char *  name 

returns an atomic type with the given name in the given env.

◆ msat_get_theory_lemmas()

msat_term* msat_get_theory_lemmas ( msat_env  e,
size_t *  num_tlemmas 

Retrieves the theory lemmas used in the last search (see msat_solve).

For the function to work, the option "dpll.store_tlemmas" must be set to "true" in the configuration object for the environment.

eThe environment in which to operate.
num_tlemmasPointer to a valid address for storing the number of theory lemmas returned.
An array with the theory lemmas, or NULL in case of errors. The array must be deallocated by the user with msat_free().

◆ msat_get_unsat_assumptions()

msat_term* msat_get_unsat_assumptions ( msat_env  e,
size_t *  assumps_size 

Returns the list of assumptions resposible for the unsatisfiability detected by the last search (see msat_solve_with_assumptions).

eThe environment in which to operate.
assumps_sizePointer to a valid address for storing the number of formulas in the returned array.
An array with the list of inconsistent assumptions, or NULL in case of errors. The array must be deallocated by the user with msat_free().

◆ msat_get_unsat_core()

msat_term* msat_get_unsat_core ( msat_env  e,
size_t *  core_size 

Returns the unsatisfiable core of the last search (see msat_solve) as a subset of the asserted formulas, if the problem was unsatisfiable.

eThe environment in which to operate.
core_sizePointer to a valid address for storing the number of formulas in the unsat core.
An array with the unsat core, or NULL in case of errors. The array must be deallocated by the user with msat_free().

◆ msat_get_unsat_core_ext()

msat_term* msat_get_unsat_core_ext ( msat_env  e,
size_t *  core_size,
msat_ext_unsat_core_extractor  extractor,
void *  user_data 

Returns the unsatisfiable core of the last search (see msat_solve) as a subset of the asserted formulas, computed using an external Boolean unsat core extractor (see msat_ext_unsat_core_extractor).

eThe environment in which to operate.
core_sizePointer to a valid address for storing the number of formulas in the unsat core.
extractorThe external Boolean core extractor.
user_dataGeneric data pointer which will be passed to extractor. Can be anything, its value will not be interpreted.
An array with the unsat core, or NULL in case of errors. The array must be deallocated by the user with msat_free().

◆ msat_get_version()

char* msat_get_version ( void  )

Gets the current MathSAT version.

A version string, with version information about MathSAT, the GMP library and the compiler used. The string must be deallocated by the user with msat_free().

◆ msat_is_array_type()

int msat_is_array_type ( msat_env  env,
msat_type  tp,
msat_type *  out_itp,
msat_type *  out_etp 

checks whether the given type is an array.

envThe environment in which to operate
tpThe type to check
out_itpPointer to a variable where to store the type of the array indices (can be NULL)
out_itpPointer to a variable where to store the type of the array elements (can be NULL)
1 if the type is an array, 0 otherwise

◆ msat_is_bool_type()

int msat_is_bool_type ( msat_env  env,
msat_type  tp 

checks whether the given type is bool.

envThe environment in which to operate
tpThe type to check
1 if the type is bool, 0 otherwise

◆ msat_is_bv_type()

int msat_is_bv_type ( msat_env  env,
msat_type  tp,
size_t *  out_width 

checks whether the given type is a bit-vector.

envThe environment in which to operate
tpThe type to check
out_widthPointer to a variable where to store the width of the BV type in case of success (can be NULL)
1 if the type is a bit-vector, 0 otherwise

◆ msat_is_enum_type()

int msat_is_enum_type ( msat_env  env,
msat_type  tp,
size_t *  out_domain_size,
msat_decl **  out_domain 

checks whether the given type is an enum

envThe environment in which to operate
tpThe type to check
out_exp_widthPointer to a variable where to store the number of values in the enum (can be NULL)
out_mant_widthPointer to a variable where to store the list of values in the enum (can be NULL)
1 if the type is an enum, 0 otherwise

◆ msat_is_fp_roundingmode_type()

int msat_is_fp_roundingmode_type ( msat_env  env,
msat_type  tp 

checks whether the given type is a float rounding mode type.

envThe environment in which to operate
tpThe type to check

◆ msat_is_fp_type()

int msat_is_fp_type ( msat_env  env,
msat_type  tp,
size_t *  out_exp_width,
size_t *  out_mant_width 

checks whether the given type is a float.

envThe environment in which to operate
tpThe type to check
out_exp_widthPointer to a variable where to store the width of the exponent of the float in case of success (can be NULL)
out_mant_widthPointer to a variable where to store the width of the significand/mantissa of the float in case of success (can be NULL)
1 if the type is a float, 0 otherwise

◆ msat_is_integer_type()

int msat_is_integer_type ( msat_env  env,
msat_type  tp 

checks whether the given type is int.

envThe environment in which to operate
tpThe type to check
1 if the type is int, 0 otherwise

◆ msat_is_rational_type()

int msat_is_rational_type ( msat_env  env,
msat_type  tp 

checks whether the given type is rat.

envThe environment in which to operate
tpThe type to check
1 if the type is rat, 0 otherwise

◆ msat_last_error_message()

const char* msat_last_error_message ( msat_env  env)

Retrieves the last error message generated while operating in the given enviroment.

envThe environment in which the error occurred.
A pointer to the last error message generated.

◆ msat_make_and()

msat_term msat_make_and ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the logical AND of t1 and t2.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument. Must have type ::MSAT_BOOL.
t2The second argument. Must have type ::MSAT_BOOL.
The term t1 & t2, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_array_const()

msat_term msat_make_array_const ( msat_env  e,
msat_type  arrtp,
msat_term  elem 

Creates a constant array.

eThe environment of the definition
arrtpThe type of the return array
elemThe element term
The term representing the constant array filled with "elem", or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_array_read()

msat_term msat_make_array_read ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  arr,
msat_term  idx 

Creates an array read operation.

eThe environment of the definition
arrThe array term
idxThe index term
The term representing the array read, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_array_write()

msat_term msat_make_array_write ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  arr,
msat_term  idx,
msat_term  elem 

Creates an array write operation.

eThe environment of the definition
arrThe array term
idxThe index term
elemThe element term
The term representing the array write, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_asin()

msat_term msat_make_asin ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Returns an expression representing arcsin(t)

eThe environment of the definition
tThe argument
The created term, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_and()

msat_term msat_make_bv_and ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the bit-wise AND of t1 and t2.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
t1 and t2 must have the same width.
The term t1 & t2, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_ashr()

msat_term msat_make_bv_ashr ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the arithmetic right shift of t1 by t2.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
t1 and t2 must have the same width.
The term t1 >> t2, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_comp()

msat_term msat_make_bv_comp ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the comparison of t1 and t2, resulting in a bit-vector of size 1.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
t1 and t2 must have the same width.
The term bvcomp(t1, t2), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_concat()

msat_term msat_make_bv_concat ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the concatenation of t1 and t2.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
The term t1 :: t2, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_extract()

msat_term msat_make_bv_extract ( msat_env  e,
size_t  msb,
size_t  lsb,
msat_term  t 

Returns a term representing the selection of t[msb:lsb].

eThe environment of the definition
msbThe most significant bit of the selection.
lsbThe least significant bit of the selection.
tThe argument.
The term t[msb:lsb], or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_int_number()

msat_term msat_make_bv_int_number ( msat_env  e,
int  value,
size_t  width 

Returns an expression representing a bit-vector number.

eThe environment of the definition
valueThe value for the number. It must be non-negative.
widthThe width in bits of the number
The numeric term, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_lshl()

msat_term msat_make_bv_lshl ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the logical left shift of t1 by t2.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
t1 and t2 must have the same width.
The term t1 << t2, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_lshr()

msat_term msat_make_bv_lshr ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the logical right shift of t1 by t2.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
t1 and t2 must have the same width.
The term t1 >> t2, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_minus()

msat_term msat_make_bv_minus ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the subtraction of t1 by t2.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
t1 and t2 must have the same width.
The term t1 - t2, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_mpz_number()

msat_term msat_make_bv_mpz_number ( msat_env  e,
mpz_t  value,
size_t  width 

Returns an expression representing a bit-vector number.

eThe environment of the definition
valueThe value for the number. It must be non-negative.
widthThe width in bits of the number
The numeric term, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_neg()

msat_term msat_make_bv_neg ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Returns a term representing the negation of t, te two's-complement.

eThe environment of the definition
tThe argument.
The term -t, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_not()

msat_term msat_make_bv_not ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Returns a term representing the bit-wise negation of t.

eThe environment of the definition
tThe argument to negate.
The term !t, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_number()

msat_term msat_make_bv_number ( msat_env  e,
const char *  num_rep,
size_t  width,
size_t  base 

Returns an expression representing a bit-vector number.

eThe environment of the definition
num_repA string representation for the number. The number must be non-negative.
widthThe width in bits of the number
baseThe base of the representation. Can be 2, 10 or 16.
The numeric term, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_or()

msat_term msat_make_bv_or ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the bit-wise OR of t1 and t2.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
t1 and t2 must have the same width.
The term t1 | t2, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_plus()

msat_term msat_make_bv_plus ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the addition of t1 and t2.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
t1 and t2 must have the same width.
The term t1 + t2, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_rol()

msat_term msat_make_bv_rol ( msat_env  e,
size_t  amount,
msat_term  t 

Returns a term representing the left rotation of 1 by amount bits.

eThe environment of the definition
amountThe amount of the rotation
tThe argument of the rotation.
The term rol(amount, t), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_ror()

msat_term msat_make_bv_ror ( msat_env  e,
size_t  amount,
msat_term  t 

Returns a term representing the right rotation of 1 by amount bits.

eThe environment of the definition
amountThe amount of the rotation
tThe argument of the rotation.
The term ror(amount, t), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_sdiv()

msat_term msat_make_bv_sdiv ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the signed division of t1 by t2.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
t1 and t2 must have the same width.
The term t1 / t2, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_sext()

msat_term msat_make_bv_sext ( msat_env  e,
size_t  amount,
msat_term  t 

Returns a term representing the sign extension of t1 by amount.

eThe environment of the definition
amountThe amount of the extension
tThe first argument.
The term sext(amount, t), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_sleq()

msat_term msat_make_bv_sleq ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the signed t1 <= t2.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
t1 and t2 must have the same width.
The term t1 <= t2, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_slt()

msat_term msat_make_bv_slt ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the signed t1 < t2.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
t1 and t2 must have the same width.
The term t1 < t2, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_srem()

msat_term msat_make_bv_srem ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the signed remainder of t1 by t2.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
t1 and t2 must have the same width.
The term t1 % t2, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_times()

msat_term msat_make_bv_times ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the multiplication of t1 and t2.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
t1 and t2 must have the same width.
The term t1 * t2, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_udiv()

msat_term msat_make_bv_udiv ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the unsigned division of t1 by t2.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
t1 and t2 must have the same width.
The term t1 / t2, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_uleq()

msat_term msat_make_bv_uleq ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the unsigned t1 <= t2.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
t1 and t2 must have the same width.
The term t1 <= t2, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_ult()

msat_term msat_make_bv_ult ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the unsigned t1 < t2.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
t1 and t2 must have the same width.
The term t1 < t2, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_urem()

msat_term msat_make_bv_urem ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the unsigned remainder of t1 by t2.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
t1 and t2 must have the same width.
The term t1 % t2, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_xor()

msat_term msat_make_bv_xor ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the bit-wise XOR of t1 and t2.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
t1 and t2 must have the same width.
The term t1 xor t2, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_bv_zext()

msat_term msat_make_bv_zext ( msat_env  e,
size_t  amount,
msat_term  t 

Returns a term representing the zero extension of t.

eThe environment of the definition
amountThe amount of the extension
tThe first argument.
The term zext(amount, t), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_constant()

msat_term msat_make_constant ( msat_env  e,
msat_decl  var 

Creates a constant from a declaration.

eThe environment of the definition
varThe declaration of the constant. Must come from the same environment
The term representing the constant, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_copy_from()

msat_term msat_make_copy_from ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t,
msat_env  src 

Creates a term in e from an equivalent term t that was created in src.

eThe environment in which to create the term
tThe term to copy
srcThe environment in which t was created
The created term, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_divide()

msat_term msat_make_divide ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns an expression representing (t1 / t2).

The arguments must have the same type, with the usual exception for integer numbers.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument. Must be of type rational or integer
t2The second argument. Must be of type rational or integer
The term (t1 / t2), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_eq()

msat_term msat_make_eq ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the equivalence of t1 and t2.

This is a convenience function that calls either msat_make_equal() or msat_make_iff(), according to the type of the arguments.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
The term (t1 = t2), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_equal()

msat_term msat_make_equal ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the equivalence of t1 and t2.

Note that this does not work If ::t1 and ::t2 have Boolean type (use msat_make_iff() in that case).

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
The term (t1 = t2), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_exists()

msat_term msat_make_exists ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  var,
msat_term  body 

Returns a term resulting from existentially quantifying the variable var in the term body.

eThe environment of the definition
varThe term representing the quantified variable.
bodyThe body of the quantifier. Must have type ::MSAT_BOOL.
The term exists var body, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_exp()

msat_term msat_make_exp ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Returns an expression representing exp(t)

eThe environment of the definition
tThe argument.
The created term, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_false()

msat_term msat_make_false ( msat_env  e)

Returns a term representing logical falsity.

eThe environment of the definition
The term FALSE, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_floor()

msat_term msat_make_floor ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Returns an expression representing (floor t)

eThe environment of the definition
tThe argument.
The created term, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_forall()

msat_term msat_make_forall ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  var,
msat_term  body 

Returns a term resulting from universally quantifying the variable var in the term body.

eThe environment of the definition
varThe term representing the quantified variable.
bodyThe body of the quantifier. Must have type ::MSAT_BOOL.
The term forall var body, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_abs()

msat_term msat_make_fp_abs ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Returns a term representing the FP absolute value of t.

eThe environment of the definition
tThe abs argument.
The term (abs t), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_as_ieeebv()

msat_term msat_make_fp_as_ieeebv ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Returns a term for interpreting a FP term as a bit-vector.

This is different from ::make_fp_to_sbv in that the latter takes the integer part of the FP number and stores it in a bit-vector, while this function simply takes the bits of the representation of the input and interprets them as a bit-vector (of size 1+ width of exponent + width of mantissa).

eThe environment of the definition
tThe argument to convert.
The term representing the conversion, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_bits_number()

msat_term msat_make_fp_bits_number ( msat_env  e,
const char *  bits,
size_t  exp_w,
size_t  mant_w 

Creates an FP number from a string of bits.

eThe environment of the definition
num_repA string representation of a base-10 integer number
exp_wThe desired exponent width
mant_wThe desired mantissa width
The numeric term, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_cast()

msat_term msat_make_fp_cast ( msat_env  e,
size_t  exp_w,
size_t  mant_w,
msat_term  rounding,
msat_term  t 

Returns a term representing the FP format conversion of the given input term.

eThe environment of the definition
exp_wThe target exponent width.
mant_wThe target mantissa width.
roundingThe desired rounding mode.
tThe argument to convert.
The term representing the conversion, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_div()

msat_term msat_make_fp_div ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  rounding,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the FP division of t1 and t2, according to the given rounding mode.

eThe environment of the definition
roundingThe desired rounding mode.
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
The term (/ rounding t1 t2), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_equal()

msat_term msat_make_fp_equal ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the FP equality predicate between t1 and t2.

FP equality is different from the "regular" equality predicate in the handling of NaN values: (fpeq NaN NaN) is always false, whereas (= NaN NaN) is always true

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
The term (fpeq t1 t2), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_from_ieeebv()

msat_term msat_make_fp_from_ieeebv ( msat_env  e,
size_t  exp_w,
size_t  mant_w,
msat_term  t 

Returns a term representing the FP number whose IEEE 754 encoding is the given bit-vector.

eThe environment of the definition
exp_wThe target exponent width.
mant_wThe target mantissa width.
tThe argument to convert.
The term representing the conversion, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_from_sbv()

msat_term msat_make_fp_from_sbv ( msat_env  e,
size_t  exp_w,
size_t  mant_w,
msat_term  rounding,
msat_term  t 

Returns a term representing the conversion of a signed bit-vector term to FP.

eThe environment of the definition
exp_wThe target exponent width.
mant_wThe target mantissa width.
roundingThe desired rounding mode.
tThe argument to convert.
The term representing the conversion, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_from_ubv()

msat_term msat_make_fp_from_ubv ( msat_env  e,
size_t  exp_w,
size_t  mant_w,
msat_term  rounding,
msat_term  t 

Returns a term representing the conversion of an unsigned bit-vector term to FP.

eThe environment of the definition
exp_wThe target exponent width.
mant_wThe target mantissa width.
roundingThe desired rounding mode.
tThe argument to convert.
The term representing the conversion, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_isinf()

msat_term msat_make_fp_isinf ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Returns the predicate for testing whether a FP term is infinity.

eThe environment of the definition
tThe argument to test.
The term representing (isinf t), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_isnan()

msat_term msat_make_fp_isnan ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Returns the predicate for testing whether a FP term is NaN.

eThe environment of the definition
tThe argument to test.
The term representing (isnan t), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_isneg()

msat_term msat_make_fp_isneg ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Returns the predicate for testing whether a FP term is negative.

eThe environment of the definition
tThe argument to test.
The term representing (isneg t), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_isnormal()

msat_term msat_make_fp_isnormal ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Returns the predicate for testing whether a FP term is a normal.

eThe environment of the definition
tThe argument to test.
The term representing (isnormal t), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_ispos()

msat_term msat_make_fp_ispos ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Returns the predicate for testing whether a FP term is positive.

eThe environment of the definition
tThe argument to test.
The term representing (ispos t), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_issubnormal()

msat_term msat_make_fp_issubnormal ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Returns the predicate for testing whether a FP term is a subnormal.

eThe environment of the definition
tThe argument to test.
The term representing (issubnormal t), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_iszero()

msat_term msat_make_fp_iszero ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Returns the predicate for testing whether a FP term is zero.

eThe environment of the definition
tThe argument to test.
The term representing (iszero t), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_leq()

msat_term msat_make_fp_leq ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the FP <= predicate between t1 and t2.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
The term (fpleq t1 t2), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_lt()

msat_term msat_make_fp_lt ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the FP < predicate between t1 and t2.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
The term (fplt t1 t2), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_max()

msat_term msat_make_fp_max ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the FP max between t1 and t2.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
The term (max t1 t2), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_min()

msat_term msat_make_fp_min ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the FP min between t1 and t2.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
The term (min t1 t2), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_minus()

msat_term msat_make_fp_minus ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  rounding,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the FP subtraction of t1 and t2, according to the given rounding mode.

eThe environment of the definition
roundingThe desired rounding mode.
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
The term (- rounding t1 t2), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_minus_inf()

msat_term msat_make_fp_minus_inf ( msat_env  e,
size_t  exp_w,
size_t  mant_w 

Returns the FP term representing -Inf of the given format.

eThe environment of the definition
exp_wThe desired exponent width
mant_wThe desired mantissa width
A term representing -Inf, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_nan()

msat_term msat_make_fp_nan ( msat_env  e,
size_t  exp_w,
size_t  mant_w 

Returns the FP term representing NaN of the given format.

eThe environment of the definition
exp_wThe desired exponent width
mant_wThe desired mantissa width
A term representing NaN, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_neg()

msat_term msat_make_fp_neg ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Returns a term representing the FP negation of t.

eThe environment of the definition
tThe argument to negate.
The term (fpneg t), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_plus()

msat_term msat_make_fp_plus ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  rounding,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the FP addition of t1 and t2, according to the given rounding mode.

eThe environment of the definition
roundingThe desired rounding mode.
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
The term (+ rounding t1 t2), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_plus_inf()

msat_term msat_make_fp_plus_inf ( msat_env  e,
size_t  exp_w,
size_t  mant_w 

Returns the FP term representing +Inf of the given format.

eThe environment of the definition
exp_wThe desired exponent width
mant_wThe desired mantissa width
A term representing +Inf, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_rat_number()

msat_term msat_make_fp_rat_number ( msat_env  e,
const char *  num_rep,
size_t  exp_w,
size_t  mant_w,
msat_term  rounding 

Creates an FP number from a rational number.

eThe environment of the definition
num_repA string representation for the rational number
exp_wThe desired exponent width
mant_wThe desired mantissa width
roundingThe desired rounding mode.
The numeric term, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_round_to_int()

msat_term msat_make_fp_round_to_int ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  rounding,
msat_term  t 

Returns a term representing the FP round to integral of t, according to the given rounding mode.

eThe environment of the definition
roundingThe desired rounding mode.
tThe argument.
The term (fp.roundToIntegral rounding t), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_roundingmode_minus_inf()

msat_term msat_make_fp_roundingmode_minus_inf ( msat_env  e)

Returns a term representing the FP rounding mode ROUND_TO_MINUS_INF.

eThe environment of the definition
The term ROUND_TO_MINUS_INF, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_roundingmode_nearest_even()

msat_term msat_make_fp_roundingmode_nearest_even ( msat_env  e)

Returns a term representing the FP rounding mode ROUND_TO_NEAREST_EVEN.

eThe environment of the definition
The term ROUND_TO_NEAREST_EVEN, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_roundingmode_plus_inf()

msat_term msat_make_fp_roundingmode_plus_inf ( msat_env  e)

Returns a term representing the FP rounding mode ROUND_TO_PLUS_INF.

eThe environment of the definition
The term ROUND_TO_PLUS_INF, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_roundingmode_zero()

msat_term msat_make_fp_roundingmode_zero ( msat_env  e)

Returns a term representing the FP rounding mode ROUND_TO_ZERO.

eThe environment of the definition
The term ROUND_TO_ZERO, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_sqrt()

msat_term msat_make_fp_sqrt ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  rounding,
msat_term  t 

Returns a term representing the FP square root of t, according to the given rounding mode.

eThe environment of the definition
roundingThe desired rounding mode.
tThe sqrt argument.
The term (sqrt rounding t), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_times()

msat_term msat_make_fp_times ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  rounding,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the FP multiplication of t1 and t2, according to the given rounding mode.

eThe environment of the definition
roundingThe desired rounding mode.
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
The term (* rounding t1 t2), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_to_sbv()

msat_term msat_make_fp_to_sbv ( msat_env  e,
size_t  width,
msat_term  rounding,
msat_term  t 

Returns a term representing the conversion of a FP term to a signed bit-vector.

eThe environment of the definition
widthThe target bit-vector width.
roundingThe desired rounding mode.
tThe argument to convert.
The term representing the conversion, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_fp_to_ubv()

msat_term msat_make_fp_to_ubv ( msat_env  e,
size_t  width,
msat_term  rounding,
msat_term  t 

Returns a term representing the conversion of a FP term to an unsigned bit-vector.

eThe environment of the definition
widthThe target bit-vector width.
roundingThe desired rounding mode.
tThe argument to convert.
The term representing the conversion, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_iff()

msat_term msat_make_iff ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the equivalence of t1 and t2.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument. Must have type ::MSAT_BOOL.
t2The second argument. Must have type ::MSAT_BOOL.
The term t1 <-> t2, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_int_from_sbv()

msat_term msat_make_int_from_sbv ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Returns a term representing the conversion of a signed bit-vector to an int.

eThe environment of the definition
tThe argument to convert.
The term representing the conversion, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_int_from_ubv()

msat_term msat_make_int_from_ubv ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Returns a term representing the conversion of an unsigned bit-vector to an int.

eThe environment of the definition
tThe argument to convert.
The term representing the conversion, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_int_modular_congruence()

msat_term msat_make_int_modular_congruence ( msat_env  e,
mpz_t  modulus,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns an expression representing (t1 = t2 mod modulus).

eThe environment of the definition
modulusThe value of the modulus. Must be > 0
t1The first argument.
t2The second argument.
The created term, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_int_number()

msat_term msat_make_int_number ( msat_env  e,
int  value 

Returns an expression representing an integer or rational number.

eThe environment of the definition
valueThe value for the number
The numeric term, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_int_to_bv()

msat_term msat_make_int_to_bv ( msat_env  e,
size_t  width,
msat_term  t 

Returns a term representing the conversion of an int to a bit-vector.

eThe environment of the definition
widthThe target bit-vector width.
tThe argument to convert.
The term representing the conversion, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_leq()

msat_term msat_make_leq ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns an atom representing (t1 <= t2).

The arguments must have the same type. The exception is for integer numbers, which can be casted to rational if necessary.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument. Must be of type rational or integer
t2The second argument. Must be of type rational or integer
The term (t1 <= t2), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_log()

msat_term msat_make_log ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Returns an expression representing the natural log of t.

eThe environment of the definition
tThe argument.
The created term, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_mpq_number()

msat_term msat_make_mpq_number ( msat_env  e,
mpq_t  value 

Returns an expression representing an integer or rational number.

eThe environment of the definition
valueThe value for the number
The numeric term, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_not()

msat_term msat_make_not ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1 

Returns a term representing the logical negation of t1.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The argument to negate. Must have type ::MSAT_BOOL.
The term !t1, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_number()

msat_term msat_make_number ( msat_env  e,
const char *  num_rep 

Returns an expression representing an integer or rational number.

eThe environment of the definition
num_repA string representation for the number
The numeric term, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_or()

msat_term msat_make_or ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns a term representing the logical OR of t1 and t2.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument. Must have type ::MSAT_BOOL.
t2The second argument. Must have type ::MSAT_BOOL.
The term t1 | t2, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_pi()

msat_term msat_make_pi ( msat_env  e)

Returns the constant representing the pi number.

eThe environment of the definition
The created term, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_plus()

msat_term msat_make_plus ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns an expression representing (t1 + t2).

The arguments must have the same type. The exception is for integer numbers, which can be casted to rational if necessary.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument. Must be of type rational or integer
t2The second argument. Must be of type rational or integer
The term (t1 + t2), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_pow()

msat_term msat_make_pow ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  tb,
msat_term  te 

Returns an expression representing tb to the power of te.

eThe environment of the definition
tbThe base of the power
teThe exponent of the power
The created term, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_sin()

msat_term msat_make_sin ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Returns an expression representing sin(t)

eThe environment of the definition
tThe argument.
The created term, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_term()

msat_term msat_make_term ( msat_env  e,
msat_decl  d,
msat_term  args[] 

Creates a term from a declaration and a list of arguments.

eThe environment in which to create the term
dThe declaration
argsThe arguments
The length of args should be equal to the arity of d
The created term, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_term_ite()

msat_term msat_make_term_ite ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  c,
msat_term  tt,
msat_term  te 

Returns an expression representing a term if-then-else construct.

The two arguments ::tt and ::te must have compatible types.

eThe environment of the definition
cThe condition of the test. Must be of type ::MSAT_BOOL
ttThe "then" branch
teThe "else" branch
The term representing the if-then-else, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_times()

msat_term msat_make_times ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t1,
msat_term  t2 

Returns an expression representing (t1 * t2).

The arguments must have the same type, with the usual exception for integer numbers.

eThe environment of the definition
t1The first argument. Must be of type rational or integer
t2The second argument. Must be of type rational or integer
The term (t1 * t2), or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_true()

msat_term msat_make_true ( msat_env  e)

Returns a term representing logical truth.

eThe environment of the definition
The term TRUE, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_uf()

msat_term msat_make_uf ( msat_env  e,
msat_decl  func,
msat_term  args[] 

Creates an uninterpreted function application.

The number and type of the arguments must match those of the declaration.

eThe environment of the definition
funcThe declaration of the function
argsThe actual parameters
The term representing the function/predicate call, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_make_variable()

msat_term msat_make_variable ( msat_env  e,
const char *  name,
msat_type  type 

Returns a term representing a variable, which can be used for existential or universal quantification.

eThe environment of the definition
nameThe name of the variable.
typeThe type of the variable.
The term for the variable, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors.

◆ msat_model_create_iterator()

msat_model_iterator msat_model_create_iterator ( msat_model  m)

Creates an iterator for the given model.

mThe model to iterate.
A model iterator. Use MSAT_ERROR_MODEL_ITERATOR() to check for errors.

◆ msat_model_eval()

msat_term msat_model_eval ( msat_model  m,
msat_term  t 

Evaluates the input term in the given model.

mThe model used for the evaluation.
tThe term to evaluate.
the value for t in m. Use MSAT_ERROR_TERM() to check for errors.

◆ msat_model_iterator_has_next()

int msat_model_iterator_has_next ( msat_model_iterator  i)

Checks whether i can be incremented.

iA model iterator
nonzero if i can be incremented, zero otherwise

◆ msat_model_iterator_next()

int msat_model_iterator_next ( msat_model_iterator  i,
msat_term *  t,
msat_term *  v 

Returns the next (term, value) pair in the model, and increments the given iterator.

iThe model iterator to increment.
tOutput value for the next variable/function call in the model.
vOutput value for the next value in the model.
nonzero in case of error.

◆ msat_named_list_from_smtlib2()

int msat_named_list_from_smtlib2 ( msat_env  e,
const char *  data,
size_t *  out_n,
char ***  out_names,
msat_term **  out_terms 

Parses a list of named terms from a string in SMT-LIB v2 format.

Given a string in SMT-LIB v2 format, collect and return all the terms with a :named annotation.

eThen environment in which terms are created
dataThe input string in SMT-LIBv2 format
out_nOn success, the number of named terms is stored here. Must not be NULL.
out_namesOn success, the names of the parsed terms are stored here. Must not be NULL. Both the array and its elements are dynamically allocated, and must be deallocated by the user with msat_free()
out_termsOn success, the parsed named terms are stored here. Must not be NULL. The array is dynamically allocated, and must be deallocated by the user with msat_free()
zero on success, nonzero on error.

◆ msat_named_list_from_smtlib2_file()

int msat_named_list_from_smtlib2_file ( msat_env  e,
FILE *  f,
size_t *  out_n,
char ***  out_names,
msat_term **  out_terms 

Like msat_named_list_from_smtlib2(), but reads from a file instead of a string.

Given a FILE in SMT-LIB v2 format, collect and return all the terms with a :named annotation.

eThen environment in which terms are created
fThe input file in SMT-LIBv2 format
out_nOn success, the number of named terms is stored here. Must not be NULL.
out_namesOn success, the names of the parsed terms are stored here. Must not be NULL. Both the array and its elements are dynamically allocated, and must be deallocated by the user with msat_free()
out_termsOn success, the parsed named terms are stored here. Must not be NULL. The array is dynamically allocated, and must be deallocated by the user with msat_free()
zero on success, nonzero on error.

◆ msat_named_list_to_smtlib2()

char* msat_named_list_to_smtlib2 ( msat_env  e,
size_t  n,
const char **  names,
msat_term *  terms 

Converts the given list of named terms to SMT-LIB v2 format.

eThe environment in which the terms are defined
nThe number of terms/names to dump
namesAn array of names for the terms
termsThe terms to convert
a string in SMT-LIB v2 format storing all the named input terms, or NULL in case of errors. If not NULL, the returned string must be deallocated by the user with msat_free().

◆ msat_named_list_to_smtlib2_file()

int msat_named_list_to_smtlib2_file ( msat_env  e,
size_t  n,
const char **  names,
msat_term *  terms,
FILE *  out 

Dumps the given list of named terms in SMT-LIB v2 format to the given output file.

eThe environment in which the terms are defined
nThe number of terms/names to dump
namesAn array of names for the terms
termsThe terms to convert
outThe output file
zero on success, nonzero on error.

◆ msat_num_backtrack_points()

size_t msat_num_backtrack_points ( msat_env  e)

returns the number of backtrack points in the given environment

◆ msat_parse_config()

msat_config msat_parse_config ( const char *  data)

Creates a new MathSAT configuration by parsing the given data.

The format for the configuration data is simply one "key = value" entry per line. The data may include comments, prefixed by the # character (and extending until the end of the line).

dataThe configuration data to parse
A new configuration. In case of errors, a cfg s.t. MSAT_ERROR_CONFIG(cfg) is true is returned

◆ msat_parse_config_file()

msat_config msat_parse_config_file ( FILE *  f)

Creates a new MathSAT configuration by parsing the given file.

See msat_parse_config for the format of the config file.

fThe configuration file to parse
A new configuration. In case of errors, a cfg s.t. MSAT_ERROR_CONFIG(cfg) is true is returned

◆ msat_pop_backtrack_point()

int msat_pop_backtrack_point ( msat_env  e)

Backtracks to the last checkpoint set in the environment e.

eThe environment in which to operate
zero on success, nonzero on error

◆ msat_proof_get_arity()

size_t msat_proof_get_arity ( msat_proof  p)

Retrieves the number of children of a non-term proof.

pA non-term proof.
The arity of the given proof.

◆ msat_proof_get_child()

msat_proof msat_proof_get_child ( msat_proof  p,
size_t  i 

Retrieves a sub-proof of a given proof.

pA non-term proof.
iThe index of the child proof to retrieve.
a Child proof of the given proof.

◆ msat_proof_get_name()

const char* msat_proof_get_name ( msat_proof  p)

Retrieves the name of a non-term proof.

pA non-term proof.
The name of the given proof.

◆ msat_proof_get_term()

msat_term msat_proof_get_term ( msat_proof  p)

Retrieves the term associated to a term proof.

pThe proof from which to get the term. Must be a term proof.
The term associated with the input proof.

◆ msat_proof_id()

size_t msat_proof_id ( msat_proof  p)

Returns a numeric identifier for p.

The returned value is guaranteed to be unique within the proof manager in which p was defined. Therefore, it can be used to test two proofs for equality, as well as a hash value.

pA proof.
a unique (within the defining manager) numeric identifier

◆ msat_proof_is_term()

int msat_proof_is_term ( msat_proof  p)

Checks whether a proof object is a term.

pThe proof to test.
nonzero if p is a term proof, zero otherwise.

◆ msat_push_backtrack_point()

int msat_push_backtrack_point ( msat_env  e)

Pushes a checkpoint for backtracking in an environment.

eThe environment in which to operate
zero on success, nonzero on error

◆ msat_reset_env()

int msat_reset_env ( msat_env  e)

Resets an environment.

Clears the assertion stack (see msat_assert_formula, msat_push_backtrack_point, msat_pop_backtrack_point) of e. However, terms created in e are still valid.

eThe environment to reset
zero on success, nonzero on error

◆ msat_set_external_dpll_engine()

int msat_set_external_dpll_engine ( msat_env  env,
msat_ext_dpll_interface engine 

Sets an external dpll engine to be used by an environment.

envThe environment in which to operate.
engineThe engine to use
zero on success, nonzero on error

◆ msat_set_itp_group()

int msat_set_itp_group ( msat_env  e,
int  group 

Sets the current interpolation group.

All the formulas asserted after this call (with msat_assert_formula) will belong to group.

eThe environment in which to operate.
groupThe group. Must have been previously created with msat_create_itp_group.
zero on success, nonzero on error.

◆ msat_set_option()

int msat_set_option ( msat_config  cfg,
const char *  option,
const char *  value 

Sets an option in the given configuration.

Notice that the best thing to do is set options right after having created a configuration, before creating an environment with it. The library tries to capture and report errors, but it does not always succeed.

cfgThe configuration in which to operate.
optionThe name of the option to set.
valueThe value for the option. For boolean options, use "true" or "false" (case matters). For flags, the value can be anything.
zero on success, nonzero on error.

◆ msat_set_termination_test()

int msat_set_termination_test ( msat_env  env,
msat_termination_test  func,
void *  user_data 

Installs a custom termination test in the given environment.

The func function will be polled periodically by env, terminating the current search as soon as func returns non-zero.

envThe environment in which to operate.
funcThe user-defined termination criterion. If it is NULL, no termination criterion will be used.
user_dataGeneric data pointer which will be passed to func. Can be anything, its value will not be interpreted.
zero on success, nonzero on error

◆ msat_simplify()

msat_term msat_simplify ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  formula,
msat_term *  to_protect,
size_t  num_to_protect 

Simplify the input formula by performing variable elimination with toplevel equalities.

Apply rewriting and "toplevel propagation", i.e. inlining of toplevel equalities, until a fixpoint is reached. The constants occurring in to_protect will not be eliminated. If to_protect is NULL, only rewriting is performed.

eThe environment in which to operate.
formulaThe formula to simplify.
to_protectThe constants that should never be eliminated.
num_to_protectThe size of the to_protect array.
The simplified formula, or a t s.t. MSAT_ERROR_TERM(t) is true in case of errors

◆ msat_solve()

msat_result msat_solve ( msat_env  e)

Checks the satiafiability of the given environment.

Checks the satisfiability of the conjunction of all the formulas asserted in e (see msat_assert_formula). Before calling this function, the right theory solvers must have been enabled (see ::msat_add_theory).

eThe environment to check.
MSAT_SAT if the problem is satisfiable, MSAT_UNSAT if it is unsatisfiable, and MSAT_UNKNOWN if there was some error or if the satisfiability can't be determined.

◆ msat_solve_diversify()

int msat_solve_diversify ( msat_env  e,
msat_term *  diversifiers,
size_t  num_diversifiers,
msat_solve_diversify_model_callback  func,
void *  user_data 

Enumerates diverse models over the asserted stack.

Can only be called when model generation is on and proof generation is off.

Notice that this function changes the asserted formula in order to generate the diverse models, by adding clauses based on the diversifiers. When used in incremental mode a backtrack point should be pushed before calling this function, and popped after this call has completed. Not doing this changes the satisfiability of the formula.

eThe environment to use
diversifiersthe terms over which to diversify. On each succesive model, at least one of these terms will have a different value.
num_diversifiersthe size of the diversifiers array.
funcThe callback function to be notified about models found (see msat_solve_diversify_model_callback). Cannot be NULL.
user_dataGeneric data pointer which will be passed to func. Can be anything, its value will not be interpreted
The number of models found, or -1 on error. (If the formula is unsat, 0 is returned).

◆ msat_solve_with_assumptions()

msat_result msat_solve_with_assumptions ( msat_env  e,
msat_term *  assumptions,
size_t  num_assumptions 

Checks the satiafiability of the given environment under the given assumptions.

Checks the satisfiability of the conjunction of all the formulas asserted in e (see msat_assert_formula), plus the conjunction of the given assumptions, which can only be (negated) Boolean constants. If MSAT_UNSAT is returned, the function msat_get_unsat_assumptions() can be used to retrieve the list of assumptions responsible for the inconsistency.

eThe environment to check.
assumptionsThe list of assumptions. Can only be (negated) Boolean constants
num_assumptionsThe number of assumptions.
MSAT_SAT if the problem is satisfiable, MSAT_UNSAT if it is unsatisfiable, and MSAT_UNKNOWN if there was some error or if the satisfiability can't be determined.

◆ msat_term_arity()

size_t msat_term_arity ( msat_term  t)

Returns the arity of t.

tA term.
The number of arguments of t

◆ msat_term_get_arg()

msat_term msat_term_get_arg ( msat_term  t,
size_t  n 

Returns the nth argument of t.

tA term.
nThe index of the argument. Must be lower than the arity of t
The nth argument of arguments of t

◆ msat_term_get_decl()

msat_decl msat_term_get_decl ( msat_term  t)

Returns the declaration associated to t (if any)

If t is not a constant or a function application, the returned value ret will be s.t. MSAT_ERROR_DECL(ret) is true

tThe term for which to retrieve the declaration
If t is a constant, its declaration is returned; if it is an uif, the declaration of the function is returned; otherwise, a ret s.t. MSAT_ERROR_DECL(ret) is true is returned

◆ msat_term_get_type()

msat_type msat_term_get_type ( msat_term  t)

Returns the type of t.

tA term.
The type of t

◆ msat_term_id()

size_t msat_term_id ( msat_term  t)

Returns a numeric identifier for t.

The returned value is guaranteed to be unique within the environment in which t was defined. Therefore, it can be used to test two terms for equality, as well as a hash value.

tA term.
a unique (within the defining env) numeric identifier

◆ msat_term_is_and()

int msat_term_is_and ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is an AND.

tA term.
nonzero if t is an AND

◆ msat_term_is_array_const()

int msat_term_is_array_const ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a constant array.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a constant array

◆ msat_term_is_array_read()

int msat_term_is_array_read ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is an array read.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is an array read

◆ msat_term_is_array_write()

int msat_term_is_array_write ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is an array write.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is an array write

◆ msat_term_is_asin()

int msat_term_is_asin ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a (asin t1) expression.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a asin expression

◆ msat_term_is_atom()

int msat_term_is_atom ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is an atom.

tA term.
nonzero if t is an atom, i.e. either a boolean constant or a relation between terms

◆ msat_term_is_boolean_constant()

int msat_term_is_boolean_constant ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a boolean constant.

tA term.
nonzero if t is a constant of type ::MSAT_BOOL

◆ msat_term_is_bv_and()

int msat_term_is_bv_and ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a bit-wise and.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a bit-wise and

◆ msat_term_is_bv_ashr()

int msat_term_is_bv_ashr ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is an arithmetic shift right.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is an arithmetic shift right

◆ msat_term_is_bv_comp()

int msat_term_is_bv_comp ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a BV comparison.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a BV comparison

◆ msat_term_is_bv_concat()

int msat_term_is_bv_concat ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a BV concatenation.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a concatenation

◆ msat_term_is_bv_extract()

int msat_term_is_bv_extract ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t,
size_t *  out_msb,
size_t *  out_lsb 

Checks whether t is a BV extraction.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
out_msbIf not NULL, the msb of the selection will be stored here
out_lsbIf not NULL, the lsb of the selection will be stored here
nonzero if t is an extraction

◆ msat_term_is_bv_lshl()

int msat_term_is_bv_lshl ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a logical shift left.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a logical shift left

◆ msat_term_is_bv_lshr()

int msat_term_is_bv_lshr ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a logical shift right.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a logical shift right

◆ msat_term_is_bv_minus()

int msat_term_is_bv_minus ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a bit-vector subtraction.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a bit-vector subtraction

◆ msat_term_is_bv_neg()

int msat_term_is_bv_neg ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a bit-vector unary negation.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a bit-vector unary negation

◆ msat_term_is_bv_not()

int msat_term_is_bv_not ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a bit-wise not.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a bit-wise not

◆ msat_term_is_bv_or()

int msat_term_is_bv_or ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a bit-wise or.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a bit-wise or

◆ msat_term_is_bv_plus()

int msat_term_is_bv_plus ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a bit-vector addition.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a bit-vector addition

◆ msat_term_is_bv_rol()

int msat_term_is_bv_rol ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t,
size_t *  out_amount 

Checks whether t is a rotate left.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
out_amountIf not NULL, the amount of the left rotation will be stored here
nonzero if t is a rotate left

◆ msat_term_is_bv_ror()

int msat_term_is_bv_ror ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t,
size_t *  out_amount 

Checks whether t is a rotate right.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
out_amountIf not NULL, the amount of the right rotation will be stored here
nonzero if t is a rotate right

◆ msat_term_is_bv_sdiv()

int msat_term_is_bv_sdiv ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a bit-vector signed division.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a bit-vector signed division

◆ msat_term_is_bv_sext()

int msat_term_is_bv_sext ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t,
size_t *  out_amount 

Checks whether t is a sign extension.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
out_amountIf not NULL, the amount of the sign extension will be stored here
nonzero if t is a sign extension

◆ msat_term_is_bv_sleq()

int msat_term_is_bv_sleq ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a bit-vector signed leq.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a bit-vector signed leq

◆ msat_term_is_bv_slt()

int msat_term_is_bv_slt ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a bit-vector signed lt.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a bit-vector signed lt

◆ msat_term_is_bv_srem()

int msat_term_is_bv_srem ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a bit-vector signed remainder.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a bit-vector signed remainder

◆ msat_term_is_bv_times()

int msat_term_is_bv_times ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a bit-vector multiplication.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a bit-vector multiplication

◆ msat_term_is_bv_udiv()

int msat_term_is_bv_udiv ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a bit-vector unsigned division.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a bit-vector unsigned division

◆ msat_term_is_bv_uleq()

int msat_term_is_bv_uleq ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a bit-vector unsigned leq.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a bit-vector unsigned leq

◆ msat_term_is_bv_ult()

int msat_term_is_bv_ult ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a bit-vector unsigned lt.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a bit-vector unsigned lt

◆ msat_term_is_bv_urem()

int msat_term_is_bv_urem ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a bit-vector unsigned remainder.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a bit-vector unsigned remainder

◆ msat_term_is_bv_xor()

int msat_term_is_bv_xor ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a bit-wise xor.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a bit-wise xor

◆ msat_term_is_bv_zext()

int msat_term_is_bv_zext ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t,
size_t *  out_amount 

Checks whether t is a zero extension.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
out_amountIf not NULL, the amount of the zero extension will be stored here
nonzero if t is a zero extension

◆ msat_term_is_constant()

int msat_term_is_constant ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a constant.

tA term.
nonzero if t is a constant

◆ msat_term_is_divide()

int msat_term_is_divide ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a (t1 / t2) expression.

tA term.
nonzero if t is a (t1 / t2) expression

◆ msat_term_is_enum_value()

int msat_term_is_enum_value ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a value for an enum type.

tA term
nonzero if t is an enum value

◆ msat_term_is_equal()

int msat_term_is_equal ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is an equality.

tA term.
nonzero if t is an equality atom

◆ msat_term_is_exists()

int msat_term_is_exists ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is an existential quantifier.

tA term.
nonzero if t is an existential quantifier

◆ msat_term_is_exp()

int msat_term_is_exp ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a (exp t1) expression.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a exp expression

◆ msat_term_is_false()

int msat_term_is_false ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is the FALSE term.

tA term.
nonzero if t is FALSE

◆ msat_term_is_floor()

int msat_term_is_floor ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a (floor t1) expression.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a floor expression

◆ msat_term_is_forall()

int msat_term_is_forall ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a universal quantifier.

tA term.
nonzero if t is a universal quantifier

◆ msat_term_is_fp_abs()

int msat_term_is_fp_abs ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP abs.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP abs

◆ msat_term_is_fp_as_ieeebv()

int msat_term_is_fp_as_ieeebv ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP as BV conversion.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP as BV conversion

◆ msat_term_is_fp_cast()

int msat_term_is_fp_cast ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP cast.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP cast

◆ msat_term_is_fp_div()

int msat_term_is_fp_div ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP div.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP div

◆ msat_term_is_fp_equal()

int msat_term_is_fp_equal ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP equality.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP equality

◆ msat_term_is_fp_from_ieeebv()

int msat_term_is_fp_from_ieeebv ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP from IEEE BV conversion.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP from unsigned BV conversion

◆ msat_term_is_fp_from_sbv()

int msat_term_is_fp_from_sbv ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP from signed BV conversion.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP from signed BV conversion

◆ msat_term_is_fp_from_ubv()

int msat_term_is_fp_from_ubv ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP from unsigned BV conversion.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP from unsigned BV conversion

◆ msat_term_is_fp_isinf()

int msat_term_is_fp_isinf ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP isinf predicate.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP isinf predicate

◆ msat_term_is_fp_isnan()

int msat_term_is_fp_isnan ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP isnan predicate.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP isnan predicate

◆ msat_term_is_fp_isneg()

int msat_term_is_fp_isneg ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP isneg predicate.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP isneg predicate

◆ msat_term_is_fp_isnormal()

int msat_term_is_fp_isnormal ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP isnormal predicate.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP isnormal predicate

◆ msat_term_is_fp_ispos()

int msat_term_is_fp_ispos ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP ispos predicate.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP ispos predicate

◆ msat_term_is_fp_issubnormal()

int msat_term_is_fp_issubnormal ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP issubnormal predicate.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP iszero predicate

◆ msat_term_is_fp_iszero()

int msat_term_is_fp_iszero ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP iszero predicate.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP iszero predicate

◆ msat_term_is_fp_leq()

int msat_term_is_fp_leq ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP <=.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP <=

◆ msat_term_is_fp_lt()

int msat_term_is_fp_lt ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP less than.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP less than

◆ msat_term_is_fp_max()

int msat_term_is_fp_max ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP max.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP max

◆ msat_term_is_fp_min()

int msat_term_is_fp_min ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP min.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP min

◆ msat_term_is_fp_minus()

int msat_term_is_fp_minus ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP minus.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP minus

◆ msat_term_is_fp_neg()

int msat_term_is_fp_neg ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP negation.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP negation

◆ msat_term_is_fp_plus()

int msat_term_is_fp_plus ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP plus.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP plus

◆ msat_term_is_fp_round_to_int()

int msat_term_is_fp_round_to_int ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP round to integer.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP round to integer

◆ msat_term_is_fp_roundingmode_minus_inf()

int msat_term_is_fp_roundingmode_minus_inf ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is the ROUND_TO_MINUS_INF FP rounding mode constant.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is ROUND_TO_MINUS_INF

◆ msat_term_is_fp_roundingmode_nearest_even()

int msat_term_is_fp_roundingmode_nearest_even ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is the ROUND_TO_NEAREST_EVEN FP rounding mode constant.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is ROUND_TO_NEAREST_EVEN

◆ msat_term_is_fp_roundingmode_plus_inf()

int msat_term_is_fp_roundingmode_plus_inf ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is the ROUND_TO_PLUS_INF FP rounding mode constant.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is ROUND_TO_PLUS_INF

◆ msat_term_is_fp_roundingmode_zero()

int msat_term_is_fp_roundingmode_zero ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is the ROUND_TO_ZERO FP rounding mode constant.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is ROUND_TO_ZERO

◆ msat_term_is_fp_sqrt()

int msat_term_is_fp_sqrt ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP sqrt.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP sqrt

◆ msat_term_is_fp_times()

int msat_term_is_fp_times ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP times.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP times

◆ msat_term_is_fp_to_sbv()

int msat_term_is_fp_to_sbv ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP to signed BV conversion.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP to BV conversion

◆ msat_term_is_fp_to_ubv()

int msat_term_is_fp_to_ubv ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a FP to unsigned BV conversion.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a FP to BV conversion

◆ msat_term_is_iff()

int msat_term_is_iff ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is an equivalence between boolean terms.

tA term.
nonzero if t is an IFF

◆ msat_term_is_int_from_sbv()

int msat_term_is_int_from_sbv ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a signed BV to int conversion.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a signed BV to int conversion

◆ msat_term_is_int_from_ubv()

int msat_term_is_int_from_ubv ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is an unsigned BV to int conversion.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is an unsigned BV to int conversion

◆ msat_term_is_int_modular_congruence()

int msat_term_is_int_modular_congruence ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t,
mpz_t  out_mod 

Checks whether t is an integer modular congruence expression. If so, stores in out_mod the value of the modulus as a GMP bigint.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is an integer modular congruence

◆ msat_term_is_int_to_bv()

int msat_term_is_int_to_bv ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a int to BV conversion.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a int to BV conversion

◆ msat_term_is_leq()

int msat_term_is_leq ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a (t1 <= t2) atom.

tA term.
nonzero if t is a (t1 <= t2) atom

◆ msat_term_is_log()

int msat_term_is_log ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a (log t1) expression.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a log expression

◆ msat_term_is_not()

int msat_term_is_not ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a NOT.

tA term.
nonzero if t is a NOT

◆ msat_term_is_number()

int msat_term_is_number ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a number.

tA term.
nonzero if t is a number

◆ msat_term_is_or()

int msat_term_is_or ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is an OR.

tA term.
nonzero if t is an OR

◆ msat_term_is_pi()

int msat_term_is_pi ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a the pi constant.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is the pi constant

◆ msat_term_is_plus()

int msat_term_is_plus ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a (t1 + t2) expression.

tA term.
nonzero if t is a (t1 + t2) expression

◆ msat_term_is_pow()

int msat_term_is_pow ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a (pow t1 t2) expression.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a pow expression

◆ msat_term_is_quantifier()

int msat_term_is_quantifier ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a quantifier.

tA term.
nonzero if t is a quantifier

◆ msat_term_is_sin()

int msat_term_is_sin ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a (sin t1) expression.

eThe environment in which to operate
tA term.
nonzero if t is a sin expression

◆ msat_term_is_term_ite()

int msat_term_is_term_ite ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a term if-then-else.

tA term.
nonzero if t is a term if-then-else

◆ msat_term_is_times()

int msat_term_is_times ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a (t1 * t2) expression.

tA term.
nonzero if t is a (t1 * t2) expression

◆ msat_term_is_true()

int msat_term_is_true ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is the TRUE term.

tA term.
nonzero if t is TRUE

◆ msat_term_is_uf()

int msat_term_is_uf ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is an uninterpreted function application.

tA term.
nonzero if t is a uf application

◆ msat_term_is_variable()

int msat_term_is_variable ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t 

Checks whether t is a (free or bound) variable.

tA term.
nonzero if t is a variable

◆ msat_term_repr()

char* msat_term_repr ( msat_term  t)

Returns an internal string representation of a term.

The returned string can be useful for debugging purposes only, as it is an internal representation of a term

tA term.
a string reprsentation of t, or NULL in case of errors. The string must be dellocated by the caller with msat_free().

◆ msat_term_to_number()

int msat_term_to_number ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t,
mpq_t  out 

converts the given term to an mpq_t rational number

The term must be a number, otherwise an error is reported.

ethe environment in which to operate
tthe number to convert
outthe result of the conversion. Before calling this function, out should be initialized with a call to mpq_init()
zero on success, nonzero on error

◆ msat_to_smtlib1()

char* msat_to_smtlib1 ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  term 

Converts the given term to SMT-LIB v1 format.

eThe environment in which term is defined
termThe term to convert
a string in SMT-LIB v1 format for the formula represented by term, or NULL in case of errors. If not NULL, the returned string must be deallocated by the user with msat_free().

◆ msat_to_smtlib1_file()

int msat_to_smtlib1_file ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  term,
FILE *  out 

Dumps the given term in SMT-LIB v1 format to the given output file.

eThe environment in which term is defined
termThe term to convert
outThe output file
zero on success, nonzero on error.

◆ msat_to_smtlib2()

char* msat_to_smtlib2 ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  term 

Converts the given term to SMT-LIB v2 format.

eThe environment in which term is defined
termThe term to convert
a string in SMT-LIB v2 format for the formula represented by term, or NULL in case of errors. If not NULL, the returned string must be deallocated by the user with msat_free().

◆ msat_to_smtlib2_ext()

char* msat_to_smtlib2_ext ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  term,
const char *  logic_name,
int  use_defines 

Converts the given term to SMT-LIB v2 format.

eThe environment in which term is defined
termThe term to convert
logic_nameName of the SMT-LIBv2 logic for the output. Can be NULL
use_definesIf nonzero, the output will contain define-funs instead of let bindings
a string in SMT-LIB v2 format for the formula represented by term, or NULL in case of errors. If not NULL, the returned string must be deallocated by the user with msat_free().

◆ msat_to_smtlib2_ext_file()

int msat_to_smtlib2_ext_file ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  term,
const char *  logic_name,
int  use_defines,
FILE *  out 

Dumps the given term in SMT-LIB v2 format to the given output file.

eThe environment in which term is defined
termThe term to convert
logic_nameName of the SMT-LIBv2 logic for the output. Can be NULL
use_definesIf nonzero, the output will contain define-funs instead of let bindings
outThe output file
zero on success, nonzero on error.

◆ msat_to_smtlib2_file()

int msat_to_smtlib2_file ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  term,
FILE *  out 

Dumps the given term in SMT-LIB v2 format to the given output file.

eThe environment in which term is defined
termThe term to convert
outThe output file
zero on success, nonzero on error.

◆ msat_to_smtlib2_term()

char* msat_to_smtlib2_term ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  term 

Prints a single term in SMT-LIB v2 format.

Contrary to msat_to_smtlib2(), this function does not print symbol declarations, and so it can be used to obtain a valid SMT-LIBv2 representation of the given term.

Theenvironment in which term is defined
termThe term to print
a string in SMT-LIB v2 format for the given term, or NULL in case of errors. If not NULL, the returned string must be deallocated by the user with msat_free().

◆ msat_type_equals()

int msat_type_equals ( msat_type  t1,
msat_type  t2 

checks whether two types are the same

1 if the types are the same, 0 otherwise

◆ msat_type_id()

size_t msat_type_id ( msat_type  t)

Returns a numeric identifier for the input type.

The returned value is guaranteed to be unique within the environment in which t was defined. Therefore, it can be used to test two type for equality, as well as a hash value.

tA type.
a unique (within the defining env) numeric identifier

◆ msat_type_repr()

char* msat_type_repr ( msat_type  t)

Returns an internal string representation of a type.

The returned string can be useful for debugging purposes only, as it is an internal representation of a type

tA type.
a string reprsentation of t, or NULL in case of errors. The string must be dellocated by the caller with msat_free().

◆ msat_visit_term()

int msat_visit_term ( msat_env  e,
msat_term  t,
msat_visit_term_callback  func,
void *  user_data 

visits the DAG of the given term t, calling the callback func for every suberm

eThe environment in which to operate
tThe term to visit
funcThe callback function
user_dataGeneric data pointer which will be passed to func. Can be anything, its value will not be interpreted
zero on success, nonzero on error

msat_ext_dpll_interface Struct Reference

Interface that external SAT solvers must implement. More...

int(* new_var )(void *self)
 Creates a new variable in the SAT solver. More...
int(* set_decision_var )(void *self, int var, int yes)
 Marks a variable as a decision variable. More...
int(* set_frozen )(void *self, int var, int yes)
 Sets the frozen status of a variable. More...
int(* add_clause )(void *self, int *clause, int permanent, int during_callback)
 Adds a clause to the SAT solver. More...
msat_result(* solve )(void *self, int *assumptions, int **out_conflicting_assumptions)
 Checks the satisfiability (possibly under assumptions) of the list of added clauses. More...
msat_truth_value(* model_value )(void *self, int lit)
 Retrieves the model value for the given literal. More...
int(* enqueue_assignment )(void *self, int lit)
 Adds a (theory-deduced) literal to the current trail. More...
int(* remove_clauses_containing )(void *self, int var)
 Tells the solver to delete all the clauses containing the given variable. More...
int(* reset )(void *self)
 Completely resets the state of the solver. More...
int(* set_callback )(void *self, msat_dpll_callback cb)
 Associates to the solver a callback object for interacting with MathSAT. More...


◆ add_clause

int(* msat_ext_dpll_interface::add_clause) (void *self, int *clause, int permanent, int during_callback)

Adds a clause to the SAT solver.

selfPointer to the SAT solver.
clausearray of literals in DIMACS format, terminated by 0.
permanentIf nonzero, the clause is meant to be permanent.
during_callbackIf nonzero, the function is called by one of the msat_dpll_callback methods
zero on success, nonzero on error

◆ enqueue_assignment

int(* msat_ext_dpll_interface::enqueue_assignment) (void *self, int lit)

Adds a (theory-deduced) literal to the current trail.

selfPointer to the SAT solver.
litliteral in DIMACS format.
zero on success, nonzero on error.

◆ model_value

msat_truth_value(* msat_ext_dpll_interface::model_value) (void *self, int lit)

Retrieves the model value for the given literal.

selfPointer to the SAT solver.
litliteral in DIMACS format.
The truth value for the literal.

◆ new_var

int(* msat_ext_dpll_interface::new_var) (void *self)

Creates a new variable in the SAT solver.

selfPointer to the SAT solver.
the DIMACS index of the new variable, or -1 in case of errors.

◆ remove_clauses_containing

int(* msat_ext_dpll_interface::remove_clauses_containing) (void *self, int var)

Tells the solver to delete all the clauses containing the given variable.

selfPointer to the SAT solver.
varvariable in DIMACS format.
zero on success, nonzero on error.

◆ reset

int(* msat_ext_dpll_interface::reset) (void *self)

Completely resets the state of the solver.

selfPointer to the SAT solver.
zero on success, nonzero on error.

◆ set_callback

int(* msat_ext_dpll_interface::set_callback) (void *self, msat_dpll_callback cb)

Associates to the solver a callback object for interacting with MathSAT.

selfPointer to the SAT solver.
cbThe msat_dpll_callback object.
zero on success, nonzero on error.

◆ set_decision_var

int(* msat_ext_dpll_interface::set_decision_var) (void *self, int var, int yes)

Marks a variable as a decision variable.

selfPointer to the SAT solver.
varthe DIMACS index for the variable.
yesdecision flag.
zero on success, nonzero on error.

◆ set_frozen

int(* msat_ext_dpll_interface::set_frozen) (void *self, int var, int yes)

Sets the frozen status of a variable.

selfPointer to the SAT solver.
varthe DIMACS index for the variable.
yesfrozen flag.
zero on success, nonzero on error.

◆ solve

msat_result(* msat_ext_dpll_interface::solve) (void *self, int *assumptions, int **out_conflicting_assumptions)

Checks the satisfiability (possibly under assumptions) of the list of added clauses.

selfPointer to the SAT solver.
assumptionsarray of literals in DIMACS format, terminated by 0.
out_conflicting_assumptionsif the problem is unsatisfiable, this pointer should be set to a (zero-terminated) list of the assumptions responsible for the unsatisfiability. The solver should use its own internal storage for the array.
MSAT_SAT if the problem is satisfiable, MSAT_UNSAT if it is unsat, or MSAT_UNKNOWN in case of errors.
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